Migration of MPI Apps to Slurm 22.05.7
In January 2023, Oscar will be migrating to use Slurm version 22.05.7.
Slurm version 22.05.7
improves security and speed,
supports boths PMI2 and PMIX, and
provides REST APIs
allows users to prioritize their jobs via scontrol top <job_id>
While most applications will be unaffected by these changes, applications built to make use of MPI may need to be rebuilt to work properly. To help facilitate this, we are providing users who use MPI-based applications (either through Oscar's module system or built by users) with advanced access to a test cluster running the new version of Slurm. Instructions for accessing the test cluster, building MPI-based applications, and submitting MPI jobs using the new Slurm, are provided below.
Please note - some existing modules of MPI-based applications will be deprecated and removed from the system as part of this upgrade. A list of modules that will no longer be available to users following the upgrade is given at the bottom of the page.
Instructions for Testing Applications with Slurm 22.05.7
Request access to the Slurm 22.05.7 test cluster (email support@ccv.brown.edu)
Connect to Oscar via either SSH or Open OnDemand (instructions below)
Build your application using the new MPI applications listed below
Submit your job
Users must contact support@ccv.brown.edu to obtain access to the test cluster in order to submit jobs using Slurm 22.05.7.
Connecting via SSH
Connect to Oscar using the
command in a terminal windowFrom Oscar's command line, connect to the test cluster using the command
ssh node1947
From the node1947 command line, submit your jobs (either interactive or batch) as follows:
For CPU-only jobs:
interact -q image-test
For GPU jobs:
interact -q gpu
Connecting via Open OnDemand
Open a web browser and connect to poodcit2.services.brown.edu
Login with your Oscar username and password
Start a session using the Advanced Desktop App
Select the gpu partition and click the launch button.
Only the Advanced Desktop App will connect to the test cluster
The Advanced Desktop App must connect to the gpu partition
MPI Applications
Migrated or New Modules
If the "Current Module Version" for an application is blank, a new version is built for the application.
Application | Current Module Version | Migrated or New Module Version |
abaqus |
ambertools |
| |
boost |
CharMM |
cp2k |
| |
dedalus |
esmf |
fftw |
global_arrays |
gpaw |
gromacs |
hdf5 |
| |
ior |
| |
lammps |
meme |
Molpro |
mpi |
mpi4py |
| |
netcdf |
netcdf4-python |
| |
osu-mpi |
| |
petsc |
| |
pnetcdf |
qmcpack |
quantumespresso |
vasp |
wrf |
To build custom applications:
We recommend using following MPI modules to build your custom applications:
MPI | Oscar Module |
GCC based OpenMPI | mpi/openmpi_4.0.7_gcc_10.2_slurm22 |
Intel based OpenMPI | mpi/openmpi_4.0.7_intel_2020.2_slurm22 |
MVAPICH | mpi/mvapich2-2.3.5_gcc_10.2_slurm22 |
Mellanox HPC-X | mpi/hpcx_2.7.0_gcc_10.2_slurm22 |
module load mpi/openmpi_4.0.7_gcc_10.2_slurm22
module load gcc/10.2 cuda/11.7.1
CC=mpicc CXX=mpicxx ./configure --prefix=/path/to/install/dir
Deprecated Modules
A new module might be available for a deprecated application module. Please search the table above to check if a new module is available for an application.
Application | Deprecated Module |
abaqus |
abinit |
abyss |
ambertools |
bagel |
boost |
cabana |
campari |
cesm |
cp2k |
dacapo |
dalton |
dice |
esmf |
fenics |
ffte |
fftw |
gerris |
global_arrays |
gpaw |
gromacs |
hande |
hdf5 |
hnn |
hoomd |
horovod |
ior |
lammps |
medea |
meme |
meshlab |
Molpro |
mpi4py |
multinest |
n2p2 |
namd |
netcdf |
nwchem |
openfoam |
openmpi |
Openmpi wth Intel compilers |
orca |
osu-mpi |
paraview |
paris |
petsc |
phyldog |
plumed |
pmclib |
polychord |
polyrate |
potfit |
prophet |
pstokes |
pymultinest |
qchem |
qmcpack |
quantumespresso |
relion |
rotd |
scalasca |
scorep |
siesta |
sprng |
su2 |
trilinos |
vtk |
wrf |
Last updated