Open OnDemand

Open OnDemand (OOD) is a web portal to the Oscar computing cluster. An Oscar account is required to access Open OnDemand. Visit this link in a web browser and sign in with your Brown username and password to access this portal.

Intro to Open OnDemand Slides

OOD provides with a several resources for interacting with Oscar.

  • Use the File Explorer in the portal to view, copy, download or delete files on Oscar.

  • Launch interactive apps/softwares, like Matlab and Jupyter Notebook, inside your web browser.

  • Access the Oscar shell with your browser without needing a separate terminal emulator. This is especially handy for Windows users, since you do not need to install a separate program.


  1. No installation needed. Just use your favorite browser!

  2. No need to enter your password again. SSH into Oscar in seconds!

  3. No need to use two-factor authentication multiple times. Just do it once, when you log into OOD.

  4. Use it with, or without, VPN. Your workflow remains the same.

Last updated