Account Information
To request a priority account or a condo, use the account form on the CCV homepage. For more information on resources available to priority accounts and costs, visit the CCV Rates page.
What username and password should I be using?
If you are at Brown and have requested a regular CCV account, your Oscar login can be authenticated using your Brown credentials itself, i.e. the same username and password that you use to login to any Brown service such as "canvas".
If you are an external user, you will have to get a sponsored ID at Brown through the department with which you are associated, before requesting an account on Oscar. Once you have the sponsored ID at Brown, you can request an account on Oscar and use your Brown username and password to login.
Changing Passwords
Oscar users should use their Brown passwords to log into Oscar. Users should change their Brown passwords at
Exploratory Account
Exploratory accounts are available to all members of the Brown community for free.
See the CCV Rates page for detailed description of the resources
Jobs are submitted to the batch partition. See the System Hardware page for available hardware
Priority Accounts
The following accounts are billed quarterly and offer more computational resources than the exploratory accounts. See the CCV Rates page for pricing and detailed description of the resources
HPC Priority
Intended for users running CPU-intensive jobs. These offer more CPU and memory resources than an exploratory account
Two types of accounts:
HPC Priority
HPC Priority+ (Twice the resources of HPC Priority)
See the CCV Rates page for pricing and detailed description of the resources.
Jobs are submitted to the batch partition. See the System Hardware page for available hardware
Standard GPU Priority
Intended for users running GPU intensive jobs. These accounts offer fewer CPU and memory resources but more GPU resources than an exploratory account.
Two types of accounts:
Standard GPU Priority
Standard GPU Priority+ (Twice the resources of Standard GPU Priority)
See the CCV Rates page for pricing and detailed description of the resources.
Jobs are submitted to the gpu partition. See the System Hardware page for available GPU hardware
High End GPU Priority
Intended for GPU jobs required high-end gpus. These offer the same number of CPUS as Standard GPU priority accounts
High end GPUS like A40, v100 and a6000 are available
See the CCV Rates page for pricing and detailed description of the resources
Jobs are submitted to the gpu-he partition. See the System Hardware page for available GPU hardware
Large Memory Priority
Intended for jobs requiring large amounts of memory.
These accounts offer 2TB of memory and twice the wall-time of exploratory accounts.
See the CCV Rates page for pricing and detailed description of the resources
Jobs are submitted to the bigmem partition. See the System Hardware page for available hardware
PIs who purchase hardware (compute nodes) for the CCV machine get a Condo account. Condo account users have the highest priority on the number of cores equivalent to the hardware they purchased. Condo accounts last for five years and give their owners access to 25% more CPU cores than they purchase for the first three years of their lifespan. GPU resources do not decrease over the lifetime of the condo.
Investigators may also purchase condos to grant access to computing resources for others working with them. After a condo is purchased, they can have users request to join the condo group through the "Request Access to Existing Condo" option on the account form on the CCV homepage.
Last updated
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