Installing your own version of CESM

These instructions are for users who need to download their own version of CESM2.

Do not load the CESM module. If you have a cesm module loaded, unload it:

module unload cesm

Clone the version of CESM you want from the github repo:

git clone -b release-cesm2.2.0 my_cesm_sandbox
cd my_cesm_sandbox

The various Oscar-specific XML files needed to run CESM, including

  • config_batch.xml

  • config_compilers.xml

  • config_machines.xml

can be obtained from this github repo. The easiest way to incorporate these files into your build is to place them in a directory named .cime within your home directory (i.e., ~/.cime). For example:

git clone ~/.cime

To setup, build, and run a case on Oscar:

  1. Load the necessary modules (line 1-7 below)

  2. Move to the cime_scripts directory (line 8)

  3. Create a new case, selecting your desired <CASENAME>, <COMPSET>, and <GRID > (line 9)

  4. Move to your CASEROOT directory (line 10)

  5. Setup the case (line 11)

  6. Build the case (line 12)

  7. Submit the case (line 13)

module load netcdf/4.9.0_intel_2020.2_hdf5_1.12.2_slurm22 \
            hdf5/1.12.2_openmpi_4.0.7_intel_2020.2_slurm22 \
            mpi/openmpi_4.0.7_intel_2020.2_slurm22 \
            perl/5.36.0 \
            intel/2020.2 \
            blas/3.7.0 \
cd my_cesm_sandbox/cime/scripts
./create_newcase --mach oscar --case <CASENAME> --compset <COMPSET> --res <GRID>

By default, component log files, history files, and restart files for your case will be placed in /gpfs/home/$USER/data/$USER/archive/<CASENAME>.

Last updated

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