Reading DICOM files exported from the scanner or XNAT is not always intuitive. This script aims to ease confusion by organizing the files in a way that is clear and consistent.
Dicomsort reads information from the DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) headers of each file and then renames and sorts the files alphabetically by series and slice number. It can also be used to create subdirectories for each series.
We maintain two versions of this utility: this python implementation relies on the python pydicom package. If you need to sort MR spectroscopy DICOM data, this is the version for you! this bash script requires AFNI rather than python/pydicom. It functions nearly identically, but cannot sort spectroscopy data.
Accessing the script and can be accessed on Oscar in the public BNC scripts directory: /oscar/data/bnc/scripts/. From there, they can be used standalone or can be integrated into larger pipelines on Oscar. Additionally, they are available for local download on the BNC's github found here.
1. python script
First, we need to be in a python environment that contains the package pydicom. You can set up your own environment and pip install pydicom, or on Oscar you can simply open a terminal and activate an environment we have already created:
You will be able to tell that this environment is activated because it will say (pydicom) at the beginning of your terminal command prompt.
Now, you'll be able to run the script with
python /oscar/data/bnc/scripts/
python [-r] [-d destdir] [-s sourcedir] [-i] [-q] [-n]
-r: Rename files. Default is to copy.
-d: Destination directory. Default is ./renamed.
-s: Source directory. Default is current directory.
-i: Create subdirectories by subject ID.
-q: Create subdirectories by series description.
-n: Don't recurse into subdirectories.
When you are done, you can deactivate the python environment with deactivate.
2. bash script:
This script relies on multiple AFNI commands. Before running it, ensure that AFNI is installed. On Oscar, this can be done with the command module load afni
To display the help message and see how to use the script, you can run /oscar/data/bnc/scripts/ -? in a terminal on Oscar.
see the full dicomsort bash script
#This script use the afni programs dicom_hdr and dicom_hinfo to read header information,
#reads the information and then renames and sorts the files alphabetically, optionally
#creating subdirectories for each series. AFNI must be installed locally for
#this script to work
#Written by Michael Worden
#Updated 02/07/2024 to add support for optionally creating subject and series
#Updated 03/15/2024 to name subdirectories by Series Description instead of Protocol Name
set -euo pipefail
#DICOM field tags
snumtag='0020,0011' #series number
anumtag='0020,0012' #acquisition number
inumtag='0020,0013' #instance number
nametag='0010,0010' #patient name
idtag='0010,0020' #patient ID
sdesctag='0008,103e' #protocol name
usage='Usage: dicomsort [-r] [-d destdir] [-s sourcedir] [-i] [-q] [-n] [-h]'
helptxt="dicom sort is a script to sort rename dicom files in alphabetical order according to\n\
series and slice number. AFNI must be installed on the local computer to use dicomsort."
#process command line options
while getopts ":rd:s:iqnh" options; do
case $options in
r ) rename=1;;
d ) destdir=$OPTARG;;
s ) sourcedir=$OPTARG;;
i ) usesubdir=1;;
q ) useseqdir=1;;
n ) recurse=0;;
h ) echo "$usage";;
\? ) echo "$usage"
echo -e "$helptxt"
# echo "dicom sort is a script to sort rename dicom files in alphabetical"
# echo "order according to series and slice number. "
echo "Options:"
echo "-r: rename files. Default is to copy."
echo "-d: destination directoroy. Default is ./renamed ."
echo "-s: source directory. Default is current directory"
echo "-i: put files in a directory named by the subjectID."
echo "-q: put files in separate sub-directories for each sequence."
echo "-n: don't recursively descend into subdirectories."
echo "-?: print this help message."
echo "-h: print brief usage message."
exit 1;;
* ) echo "$usage"
exit 1;;
#check to see if the destdir exists and create it if not
if [ -d "$destdir" ]; then
echo Destination directory exists
echo Creating "$destdir"
mkdir "$destdir"
echo "Procecessing..."
#build a list of all the non-hidden files in the target directory
if [ "$recurse" -eq 1 ]; then
files=$(find "$sourcedir" -type f ! -name ".*" ! -iname "DICOMDIR")
files=$(find "$sourcedir" -type f -maxdepth 1 ! -name ".*" ! -iname "DICOMDIR")
for f in $files;
echo "$f"
#We are only using dicom_hdr to recognize dicom files now. This seems clunky
#and could probably be sped up in the future. All valid dicom files should have
#the text DICM at offset 0x80 and we could just look for that in the future but
#this is okay for now
dicom_hdr "$f" > "$tempfile"
# make sure it's a dicom file
if grep 'ERROR:' "$tempfile"; then
# Now using dicom_hinfo to get specific tags instead of dicom_hdr and grep
snum=$(dicom_hinfo -tag "$snumtag" -no_name "$f")
anum=$(dicom_hinfo -tag "$anumtag" -no_name "$f")
if [ "$anum" = "null" ]; then
inum=$(dicom_hinfo -tag "$inumtag" -no_name "$f")
#If we want to use the the subject ID as an enclosing directory, check to see if
#it exists and create it if not
if [ "$usesubdir" -eq 1 ]; then
subdir=$(dicom_hinfo -tag "$nametag" -no_name "$f")
mkdir -p "${targdir}"
#If we want to use subdirectories for each series, check to see if
#it exists for the current series and create it if not. The series name
#should be prepended with a series number in case there are multiple
#series with the same sequence name.
if [ "$useseqdir" -eq 1 ]; then
seqdir=$(dicom_hinfo -tag "$sdesctag" -no_name "$f")
serpre=$(printf "%02.0f_" "$snum")
mkdir -p "${targdir}"
targfile=$(printf "%s/dcmS%04.0fA%04.0fI%04.0f\n" "$targdir" "$snum" "$anum" "$inum")
echo "Series ${snum}, Acquisition ${anum}, Instance ${inum}"
if [ "$rename" -eq 1 ]; then
echo RENAMING "$f" to "$targfile"
mv "$f" "$targfile"
echo COPYING "$f" to "$targfile"
cp "$f" "$targfile"
rm "$tempfile"
echo dicomsort Complete
DICOM files before and after organization via dicomsort.