Overview of OSCAR Supercomputer
Oscar is Brown University's high performance computing cluster for both research and classes. Oscar is maintained and supported by Center for Computation and Visualization (CCV).
Please contact support@ccv.brown.edu
if there are any questions on Oscar.
If you do not have an Oscar account, you can request one by clicking the following link:
Anyone with a Brown account can get a free Exploratory account on Oscar, or pay for priority accounts.
More details can be found at the CCV Rates page.
Individuals external to Brown can get access to Oscar by having a sponsored Brown account. Please work with your department to get sponsored Brown accounts for any external collaborators.
Authorized users must comply with the following Brown University policies:
Users can run their computing-intensive and/or long runtime jobs/program in Oscar to take advantage of high performance computing resources there, as highlighted below:
2 Login nodes
8 PB of storage
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.2 (Linux)
Mellanox InfiniBand network
Slurm Workload manager
Please refer to the details at Oscar hardware.
Hundreds of users can share computing resources in Oscar. Slurm is used in Oscar to manage user jobs and computing resources such as cores and GPUs.
Users should not run computations or simulations on the login nodes, because they are shared with other users. You can use the login nodes to compile your codes, manage files, and launch jobs on the compute nodes.
To allow users sharing access to Oscar, there are limits on the maximum number of pending and running jobs a user account may have/submit:
1200 for a priority account
1000 for an exploratory account
Operating systems of all Oscar nodes: Red Hat 9.2
More than 500 software modules
CCV Staff install software upon user requests or help users on software installation
Oscar has 8 PB of all-flash storage from VAST, which provides high-performance access to storage. Users have ~/home
, ~/scratch
, and ~/data
directories as their storage with quota in Oscar. Please refer to the details at Oscar's filesystem.
Access and User Accounts - User accounts are controlled via central authentication and directories on Oscar are only deleted on the request of the user, PI, or departmental chair.
Files not accessed for 30 days will be deleted from your ~/scratch
directory. Use ~/data
for files you wish to keep long term.
Users can transfer files from and to Oscar filesystem. In particular, users can transfer files between Oscar filesystem and Campus File Storage.
Oscar users can connect to Oscar by
Non-disruptive Maintenance:
non-disruptive work, including software changes, maintenance, and testing
may occur at any time
no notification provided
Monthly Scheduled Maintenance:
no downtime expected, but there may be limited degradation of performance
first Tuesday of the month, 8:00 am - 12:00 noon
no notification provided
Unscheduled Maintenance:
maximum 1 day downtime
occurs very rarely and includes any unplanned emergency issues that arise
Prior notification provided (depending on the issue, 1 day to 4 weeks advance notice provided)
Major Upgrade Maintenance:
service may be brought down for 3-5 days
occurs annually
4-week prior notification provided
During Business Hours:
Send email to support@ccv.brown.edu. A ticket will get created and CCV staff will attempt to address the issue as soon as possible.
During Non-Business Hours:
Send email to support@ccv.brown.edu.
Call CIS Operations Center at (401) 863-7562. A ticket will get created and CCV staff will be contacted to address the issue.
CCV staff support for researchers seeking help with statistical modeling, machine learning, data mining, data visualization, computational biology, high-performance computing, and software engineering.
CCV staff provides tutorials on using Oscar for classes, groups and individual. Please check CCV Events for upcoming trainings and office hours.
CCV provides short videos (coming soon) for users to learn as well.
A distribution of Python and R used for scientific computing that is meant to simplify package management and deployment. Conda is used for installing packages and managing their dependencies. [Related Page - Anaconda]
Within Oscar, an association refers to a combination of four factors: Cluster, Account, User, and Partition. Associations are used to control job submissions for users. [Related Page - Associations & Quality of Service]
Put simply, batch jobs are scheduled programs that are assigned to run on a computer without further user interaction. [Related Page - Batch Jobs]
Brown University's Center for Computation and Visualization. Provides software, expertise, and other services for Brown's research community. See our website for more information.
Stands for Community Earth System Model. "CESM is a fully-coupled, community, global climate model that provides state-of-the-art computer simulations of the Earth's past, present, and future climate states." (Source) [Related Page - Using a CESM module]
PIs can purchase condos that have a significant amount of computing resources which can be shared with others. [Related Page - Account Types]
"CUDA is an extension of the C language, as well as a runtime library, to facilitate general-purpose programming of NVIDIA GPUs." (Source) [Related Page - Intro to CUDA]
This app on Open OnDemand allows users to launch a Desktop GUI on Oscar. This app is based on VNC which is a desktop sharing system that allows you to remotely control another desktop.[Related Page- Desktop App (VNC)]
Stands for High Performance Computing. HPC is the ability to process data and perform highly complex calculations at an accelerated rate. Oscar is the service that CCV offers to the Brown community for their High Performance Computing needs.
A job array is a collection of jobs that all run the same program but on different values of a parameter. [Related Page - Job Arrays]
"The Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and narrative text." [Related Page - Jupyter Notebooks on Oscar]
Jobs that allow the user to interact in real time with applications within Oscar, often from the command line. This differs from batch jobs in that each command to be run must be put in one at a time. [Related Page - Interactive Jobs]
Modules are software components that can easily be loaded or unloaded into Oscar. For instance, a user can load the Python 3 module using a module load
command. [Related Page - Using Modules]
Stands for Message Passing Interface. MPI is a system that aims to be the standard for portable and efficient message passing. Message passing is a technique often used in object-oriented programming and parallel programming [Related Page - MPI Jobs]
Open OnDemand (OOD) is a web portal to the Oscar computing cluster. It can be used to launch a Desktop session on Oscar [Related Page - Open OnDemand]
OOD app is a web application that runs on the Open OnDemand web portal. It allows users to launch interactive applications like Jupyter Notebook, RStudio, Matlab or Desktop. [Related Page - Interactive Apps on OOD]
Partitions are essentially groupings of nodes that allocate resources for specific types of tasks. On Oscar, partitions are based on job submissions through the Slurm workload manager. [Related Page - Slurm Partitions]
Stands for Principal Investigator. Mainly used to refer to the individual responsible for conducting and administrating a research grant. Within Oscar, PIs have their own data directories that can be shared to students. PIs may also purchase condos. [Related Page - Account Types]
A client for SSH for Windows and Unix that emulates a terminal [Related Page - SSH (Terminal)]
An object-oriented, high-level, and popular programming language [Related Page - Python on Oscar]
The job limits that are linked to a given association. For instance, Priority Accounts will generally have a higher quality of service than Exploratory Accounts. [Related Page - Associations & Quality of Service (QOS)]
A workload manager used within Oscar to schedule jobs [Related Page - Slurm Partitions]
Stands for Secure Shell Protocol. Used to communicate securely between computers and often used within a command-line interface (CLI) for connections to remote servers [Related Page - SSH (Terminal)]
The Server Message Block (SMB) protocol is a network protocol that allows users to communicate with remote computers for file-sharing and other uses. It is one of the versions of the Common Internet File System (CIFS). Within Oscar, SMB is mainly used for file transfer. [Related Page - SMB (Local Mount)]
To request a priority account or a condo, use the account form on the CCV homepage. For more information on resources available to priority accounts and costs, visit the CCV Rates page.
If you are at Brown and have requested a regular CCV account, your Oscar login can be authenticated using your Brown credentials itself, i.e. the same username and password that you use to login to any Brown service such as "canvas".
If you are an external user, you will have to get a sponsored ID at Brown through the department with which you are associated, before requesting an account on Oscar. Once you have the sponsored ID at Brown, you can request an account on Oscar and use your Brown username and password to login.
Oscar users should use their Brown passwords to log into Oscar. Users should change their Brown passwords at myaccount.brown.edu.
Exploratory accounts are available to all members of the Brown community for free.
See the CCV Rates page for detailed description of the resources
Jobs are submitted to the batch partition. See the System Hardware page for available hardware
The following accounts are billed quarterly and offer more computational resources than the exploratory accounts. See the CCV Rates page for pricing and detailed description of the resources
Intended for users running CPU-intensive jobs. These offer more CPU and memory resources than an exploratory account
Two types of accounts:
HPC Priority
HPC Priority+ (Twice the resources of HPC Priority)
See the CCV Rates page for pricing and detailed description of the resources.
Jobs are submitted to the batch partition. See the System Hardware page for available hardware
Intended for users running GPU intensive jobs. These accounts offer fewer CPU and memory resources but more GPU resources than an exploratory account.
Two types of accounts:
Standard GPU Priority
Standard GPU Priority+ (Twice the resources of Standard GPU Priority)
See the CCV Rates page for pricing and detailed description of the resources.
Jobs are submitted to the gpu partition. See the System Hardware page for available GPU hardware
Intended for GPU jobs required high-end gpus. These offer the same number of CPUS as Standard GPU priority accounts
High end GPUS like A40, v100 and a6000 are available
See the CCV Rates page for pricing and detailed description of the resources
Jobs are submitted to the gpu-he partition. See the System Hardware page for available GPU hardware
Intended for jobs requiring large amounts of memory.
These accounts offer 2TB of memory and twice the wall-time of exploratory accounts.
See the CCV Rates page for pricing and detailed description of the resources
Jobs are submitted to the bigmem partition. See the System Hardware page for available hardware
PIs who purchase hardware (compute nodes) for the CCV machine get a Condo account. Condo account users have the highest priority on the number of cores equivalent to the hardware they purchased. Condo accounts last for five years and give their owners access to 25% more CPU cores than they purchase for the first three years of their lifespan. GPU resources do not decrease over the lifetime of the condo.
Investigators may also purchase condos to grant access to computing resources for others working with them. After a condo is purchased, they can have users request to join the condo group through the "Request Access to Existing Condo" option on the account form on the CCV homepage.
Moves the user into the specified directory. Change Directory.
cd ..
to move one directory up
by itself to move to home directory
cd -
to move to previous directory
cd <directory-path>
to move to a directory (can be an absolute path or relative path)
cp <old_filepath> <new directory path>
Copies the file into the specified directory
Clears the terminal
cat <filename>
Lists the contents of a file. Concatenate files.
List contents within the current directory
grep <string_to_match> <filename>
Searches for the string / regular expression within the specified file and prints the line(s) with the result
Displays the path of the current directory that you are in. Present Working Directory
man <command>
Displays the help manual instruction for the given command
mv <file_name> <new_directory>
Moves a file into a new directory.
mv <old_file_name> <new_file_name>
to rename a file
mkdir <directory_name>
Creates a new directory
rm <file_name>
Deletes a file
rm -r <directory_name>
Deletes directories and the contents within them. -r
stands for recursive
rmdir <directory_name>
Removes the specified directory (must be empty)
Creates a blank new file
This page contains Linux commands commonly used on Oscar, basic module commands, and definitions for common terms used within this documentation.
These pages list some command commands and terms you will come across while using Oscar.
Oscar users are not permitted to:
Share their accounts or passwords with others or enable unauthorized users to access Center for Computation and Visualization resources
Use Center for Computation and Visualization resources for personal economic gain
Engage in unauthorized activity (e.g., cryto currency mining etc.) that intentionally impacts integrity of resources
Each user (premium or exploratory) gets 20GB Home Directory, 512GB short-term Scratch, and 256G Data directory (shared amongst the members of group)
Files in Scratch Directory not accessed for last 30 days are automatically purged. CCV only stores snapshots for 7 days after that files will be automatically deleted.
PI has the ultimate access to Data Directory - if a student leaves Brown the files in Data directory will be owned by the PI.
All software and data stored or used on Center hosted systems must be appropriately and legally acquired and must be used in compliance with applicable licensing terms. Unauthorized misuse or copying of copyrighted materials is prohibited.
CCV reserves the right to remove any data at any time and/or transfer data or other individuals (such as Principal Investigators working on a same or similar project) after a user account is deleted is no longer affiliated with Brown University.
Once created, Oscar accounts are valid for duration of one's Brown AD credentials
Oscar users will keep their access to Oscar as long as their Brown account are still active. To be able to access Oscar account after a user's Brown account is deactivated, the user needs to get an affiliate account through the department the user is associated.
It is the best that your affiliate account keeps the same username as your previous Brown account. Otherwise, please contact support@ccv.brown.edu to migrate your Oscar account to your affiliate account.
If you are not able to connect to Oscar with your affiliate account, please contact support@ccv.brown.edu for help.
Your data (directories and files) will stay in Oscar for one years after your Brown account is deactivated. After that your data will be archived.
You may delete your data when you leave Brown University. Or you may request that CCV delete your data on Oscar, especially if you have lots of data.
A PI owns the PI's data directories and can delete all files there.
You can download data from Oscar following the instructions here. Globus is recommended for large data transfer.
If you are a PI and want to keep your priority accounts and/or data directories after leaving Brown University, please contact support@ccv.brown.edu to update your billing information.
How to set up SSH key authentication.
When connecting from a campus network to sshcampus.ccv.brown.edu
you can set up SSH keys as a form of authentication instead of having to enter your password interactively. Follow the insctructions below that correspond to your operating system/connection method.
How to save ssh configurations to a configuration file
When regularly connecting to multiple remote systems over SSH, you’ll find that remembering all the hosts and various command-line options becomes tedious. OpenSSH allows setting up a configuration file to store different SSH options for each remote machine you connect t.
OpenSSH client-side (in this case your personal computer) configuration file is named config
, and it is stored in the hidded .ssh
directory under your user’s home directory (i.e., ~/.ssh
When you use the ssh
command for the first time. The ~/.ssh
directory is automatically created. If the directory doesn’t exist on your system, create it using the command below:
By default, the SSH configuration file may not exist, so you may need to create it using the touch
command :
This file must be readable and writable only by the user and not accessible by others:
The SSH Config File takes the following structure:
The contents of the SSH config file is organized into sections. Each section starts with the Host
directive and contains specific SSH options used when establishing a connection with the remote SSH server.
Here we peovide a list of Oscar hosts and typical SSH configuration options. You have two options
Copy the list of hosts below directly into your SSH Config File (i.e., ~/.ssh/config
Keep this content in a spearate file for Oscar hosts, lets say ~/.ssh/config.oscar
and include that file in your main configuration file. In this case, the first line of ~/.ssh/config
will be
Include "~/.ssh/config.oscar"
Don't forget to replace <username> with your user. Also the configuration assumes your identity key is ~/.ssh/id_rsa - if you named it anything else, please update the value. If you need to generate a key got here
You may now connect using the shortchut notation provided by your configuration file. That is, all you need to type is:
According to the configuration above, this is equivalent to
Much shorter. Enjoy!
Most inquiries can be directed to CCV’s support address, support@ccv.brown.edu
, which will create a support ticket with one of our staff.
All CCV services are billed quarterly, and rates can be found here (requires a Brown authentication to view). Questions about rates should be directed to support@ccv.brown.edu
We greatly appreciate acknowledgements in research publications that benefited from the use of CCV services or resources.
Oscar is our primary research computing cluster with several hundred multi-core nodes sharing a high-performance interconnect and file system. Applications can be run interactively or scheduled as batch jobs.
To request an account, please fill out a New User Account Form. All accounts are subject to our General Terms and Conditions.
Sample batch scripts are available in your home directory at ~/batch_scripts
and can be run with the sbatch <jobscript>
command. For more information, visit our manual page on Batch Jobs.
See our page on Academic Classes
We post updates to our user mailing list, ccv@listserv.brown.edu
which you are automatically subscribed to when setting up an account with CCV. If you need to be added to the mailing list, please submit a support ticket to support@ccv.brown.edu
. We also have an announcement mailing list for office hours, workshops and other events relevant to CCV users, ccv-announce.listserve.brown.edu
A job array is a special type of job submission that allows you to submit many related batch jobs with a single command. This makes it easy to do parameter sweeps or other schemes where the submitted jobs are all the same except for a single parameter such as a filename or input variable. Job arrays require special syntax in your job script. Sample batch scripts for job arrays are available in your home directory at ~/batch_scripts
and can be run with the sbatch <jobscript>
command. For more information, visit our manual page on Running Jobs.
MPI is a type of programming interface. Programs written with MPI can run on and communicate across multiple nodes. You can run MPI-capable programs by calling srun --mpi=pmix <program>
in your batch script. For more detailed info, visit our manual page on MPI programs.
Load an mpi module module load mpi
. For a list of mpi modules available, module avail mpi
Many scientific and HPC software packages are already installed on Oscar, including python, perl, R, Matlab, Mathematica, and Maple. Use the module avail
command on Oscar to view the whole list or search for packages. See our manual page on Software to understand how software modules work. Additional packages can be requested by submitting a support ticket to support@ccv.brown.edu
By default, the gcc
compiler is available when you login to Oscar, providing the GNU compiler suite of gcc
(C), g++
(C++), and gfortran
. We also provide compilers from Intel (intel
module) and the Portland Group (pgi
module). For more information, visit our manual page on Software.
The sacct
command will list all of your completed jobs since midnight of the previous day (as well as running and queued jobs). You can pick an earlier start date with the -S
option, e.g. sacct -S 2012-01-01
The checkquota
command on Oscar will print a summary of the usage of your directories. For more information, see our manual page on File Systems.
These are symptoms of not requesting enough memory for your job. The default memory allocation is about 3 GB. If your job is resource-intensive, you may need to specifically allocate more. See the user manual for instructions on requesting memory and other resources.
Specify the SLURM option --mem-per-cpu=
in your script.
We recommend linking against the Intel Math Kernels Library (MKL) which provides both BLAS and LAPACK. The easiest way to do this on Oscar is to include the special environment variable $MKL
at the end of your link line, e.g. gcc -o blas-app blas-app.c $MKL
. For more complicated build systems, you may want to consult the MKL Link Line Advisor.
We have recently updated the login and VSCode node hardware to improve performance, security, and reliability. As a result of this migration, the SSH host keys for our servers have been updated. To fix this:
On MacOS:
On Linux:
On Windows: from VSCode's internal terminal Window:
and delete the lines starting with Oscar and delete lines starting with vscode
and oscar
Hopefully, this will make things easier.
OpenOnDemand (OOD) Shell Access: either get a Desktop session or login via regular terminal into 'ssh.ccv.brown.edu' and run
Then login again via OOD > Clusters
By a unique JobID, e.g. 1318013
Use the command myq
You can look at the output file. The default output file is slurm-%j.out" where %j is the JobID. If you specified and output file using #SBATCH -o output_filename
and/or an error file #SBATCH -e error_filename
you can check these files for any output from your job. You can view the contents of a text file using the program less
, e.g.
Use the spacebar
to move down the file, b
to move back up the file, and q
to quit.
scancel <JobID>
where <JobID>
is the job allocation number, e.g. 13180139
You can use interact -o outfile
to save a copy of the session's output to "outfile"
I've submitted a bunch of jobs. How do I tell which one is which? myq
will list the running and pending jobs with their JobID and the name of the job. The name of the job is set in the batch script with #SBATCH -J jobname
. For jobs that are in the queue (running or pending) you can use the command scontrol show job <JobID>
where <JobID>
is the job allocation number, e.g.13180139
to give you more detail about what was submitted.
Use the --constraint
(or -C
) option:
You can use the --constraint
option restrict your allocation according to other features too. The nodes
command provides a list of "features" for each type of node.
When your job is pending (PD) in the queue, SLURM will display a reason why your job is pending. The table below shows some common reasons for which jobs are kept pending.
You may see this for a short time when you first submit a job
All your condo cores are currently in use
The total memory of your running jobs and this pending job is more than the limit for your account.
Jobs with higher priority are using the resources
There are not enough free resources to fulfill your request
You have put a hold on the job. The job will not run until you lift the hold.
The resources you have requested are not available. Note this normally means you have requested something impossible, e.g. 100 cores on 1 node, or a 24 core sandy bridge node. Double check your batch script for any errors. Your job will never run if you are requesting something that does not exist on Oscar.
You have asked for more nodes than exist in the partition. For example if you make a typo and have specified -N (nodes) but meant -n (tasks) and have asked for more than 64 nodes. Your job will never run. Double check your batch script.
Overall system busy: when tens of thousands of jobs are submitted it total by all users, the time it takes SLURM to process these into the system may increase from the normal almost instantly to a half-hour or more.
Specific resource busy: if you request very specific resources (e.g., a specific processor) you then have to wait for that specific resource to become available while other similar resources may be going unused.
Specified resource not available: if you request something that is not or may never be available, your job will simply wait in the queue. E.g., requesting 64 GB of RAM on a 64 GB node will never run because the system needs at least 1 GB for itself so you should reduce your request to less than 64.
Please use the server transfer.ccv.brown.edu
Transfer local file to Oscar:
2. Transfer remote file on Oscar to the local system:
Alternatively, Oscar has an endpoint for "Globusonline" (https://www.globus.org) that you can use to more effectively transfer files. See our manual page on how to use Globus Online to transfer files.
The use of cloud resources for HPC varies according to your demands and circumstances. Cloud options are changing rapidly both in service providers and various services being offered. For those who have short-term needs that don't demand the highest of computational performance, a cloud option might be appropriate. For others, a local option customized to individual needs may be better. The cost of cloud services also varies quite a bit and includes not only compute time but data transfer charges. Other issues involved licensing, file synchronization, etc.
We are actively investigating a number of options to connect Brown users seamlessly to suitable cloud options. We are collecting such information for publishing on the CIS website as part of research services available. At this point, the best course of action is to request an individual consultation to help address your specific needs. Please send email to support@ccv. brown.edu.
module list
Lists all modules that are currently loaded in your software environment.
module avail
Lists all available modules on the system. Note that a module can have multiple versions. Use module avail <name>
to list available modules which start with <name>
module help <name>
Prints additional information about the given software.
module load <name>
Adds a module to your current environment. If you load using just the name of a module, you will get the default version. To load a specific version, load the module using its full name with the version: "module load gcc/10.2
module unload <name>
Removes a module from your current environment.
If you publish research that benefited from the use of CCV services or resources, we would greatly appreciate an acknowledgment that states:
Before generating new SSH key pair first check if you have an SSH key on your local machine.
If there are existing keys, please move to Step 3
Press Enter to accept the default file location and file name.
The ssh-keygen
will ask you to type a secure passphrase. This is optional. If you don't want to use a passphrase just press Enter
Verify the SSH keys are generated correctly, you should see two files id_rsa
and id_rsa.pub
under ~/.ssh
DO NOT upload or send the private key.
You will now need to copy your public key to Oscar. There are two ways to acomplish this.
If your OS comes with the ssh-copy-id
utility, then you'll be able to copy your public key into Oscar as follows:
You will be prompted for a Password. The public key will be appended to the authorized_keys
file on Oscar.
If you used a custom name for your key instead of the default id_rsa
then you'll need pass the name of your key to ssh-copy-id
If your system does not come with the ssh-copy-id
utility installed, then you'll need to copy your public key by hand.
Get the contents of id_rsa.pub
file. One option is to use cat
in your teminal
cat id_rsa.pub
Copy the contents of this file to your clipboard, as we need to upload it to Oscar.
Login into Oscar via regular ssh ssh <username>@ssh.ccv.brown.edu
. Once you are on the login node, open the authorized_keys file with your text editor of choice e.g.,
vim ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
nano ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Add your public keys to end of this file. Save and exit.
If everything went well, you will be logged in immediately withouth prompting you for a password.
Instructions to forward X11 applications from Oscar to local computer
If you have an installation of X11 on your local system, you can access Oscar with X forwarding enabled, so that the windows, menus, cursor, etc. of any X applications running on Oscar are all forwarded to your local X11 server. Here are some resources for setting up X11:
Mac OS - https://www.xquartz.org
Windows - https://sourceforge.net/projects/xming
One limitation of X forwarding is its sensitivity to your network connection's latency. We advise against using X forwarding from a connection outside of the Brown campus network, since you will likely experience lag between your actions and their response in the GUI.
Once your X11 server is running locally, open a terminal and use
to establish the X forwarding connection. Then, you can launch GUI applications from Oscar and they will be displayed locally on your X11 server.
For Windows users using PuTTY, enable X forwarding under Connections->SSH->X11:
How to connect to Oscar and submit your first batch job
This guide assumes you have an Oscar account. To request an account see create an account.
The simplest way to connect to Oscar is via Open OnDemand (OOD). To connect to OOD, go to https://ood.ccv.brown.edu and log in using your Brown credentials. For more details on Open OnDemand click here.
Alternatively, you can connect to OSCAR via SSH (Terminal):
You can submit a job using sbatch
You can confirm that your job ran successfully by running:
For more detailed information on submitting jobs, see the Submitting Jobs section of the documentation.
To get specific files on to / off of Oscar, read through the Transferring Files to and from Oscar page of the documentation.
If you encounter problems while using Oscar, check out the Getting Help documentation, or read through the Overview page.
Here are some ways to get help with using OSCAR
Filing a good support ticket makes it much easier for CCV staff to deal with your request
When you email support@ccv.brown.edu
aim to include the following:
State the problem/request in the subject of the email
Describe which software and with version you are using
Error message (if there was one)
The job number
How you were running, e.g. batch, interactively, vnc
Give as as small an example as possible that reproduces the problem
Ask questions and search for previous problems at our OSCAR Question and Answer Forum.
Join our CCV-Share Slack workspace to discuss your questions with CCV Staff in the #oscar channel. Sign-up here
CCV holds weekly office hours. These are drop in sessions where we'll have one or more CCV staff members available to answer questions and help with any problems you have. Please visit this page for upcoming office hours and events.
You can arrange to meet with a CCV staff member in person to go over difficult problems, or to discuss how best to use Oscar. Email support@ccv.brown.edu
to arrange a consultation.
Compute Nodes
Total CPU Cores
GPU Nodes
Total GPUs
Large Memory Nodes
Oscar has compute nodes in the partitions listed below.
batch - The batch partition is for programs/jobs which need neither GPUs nor large memory.
bigmem - The bigmem partition is for programs/jobs which require large memory.
debug - The debug partition is for users to debug programs/jobs.
gpu - The gpu partition is for programs/jobs which require GPUs.
gpu-debug - The gpu-debug partition is for users to debug gpu programs/jobs.
gpu-he -The gpu-he partition is for programs/jobs which need to access high-end GPUs.
vnc - The vnc partition is for users to run programs/jobs in an graphical desktop environment.
Below are node details including cores and memory for all partitions.
Total Nodes
Total Cores
Cores Per Node
Total GPUs
Memory Per Node (GB)
Hardware details for all partitions. The Features column shows the features available for the --constraint option for SLURM. This includes the available CPU types as well GPUs.
32core, intel, scalable, cascade, edr
48core, intel, cascade, edr
32core, intel, scalable, cascade, edr, cifs
192core, amd, genoa, edr
64core, intel, icelake, edr
24core, intel, e5-2670, e5-2600, scalable, skylake, fdr
24core, intel, e5-2670, e5-2600, scalable, skylake, fdr
32core, intel, scalable, cascade, edr
192core, amd, genoa, edr
intel, gpu, titanrtx, turing, skylake, 6142
intel, gpu, titanrtx, turing, skylake, 6142
intel, gpu, quadrortx, turing, cascade
intel, gpu, quadrortx, turing, cascade
amd, gpu, geforce3090, ampere
amd, gpu, geforce3090, ampere
amd, cifs, gpu, a5500, ampere
amd, cifs, gpu, a5000, ampere
amd, cifs, gpu, a5000, ampere
amd, gpu, a5000, ampere
amd, gpu, a5500, cifs, ampere
amd, gpu, cifs, a5000, ampere
amd, gpu, a40, ampere
intel, gpu, 4gpu, v100, volta, skylake, 6126
amd, gpu, a6000, ampere
intel, cifs, gpu, v100, volta, haswell
48core, intel, cascade, edr
amd, gpu, geforce3090, ampere
32core, intel, scalable, cascade, edr
48core, intel, cascade, edr
amd, cifs, gpu, a5000, ampere
amd, gpu, a2, ampere
32core, intel, scalable, cascade, edr, cifs
192core, amd, genoa, edr
64core, intel, icelake, edr
24core, intel, e5-2670, e5-2600, scalable, skylake, fdr
24core, intel, e5-2670, e5-2600, scalable, skylake, fdr
amd, gpu, geforce3090, ampere
48 GB
45 GB
32 GB
24 GB
24 GB
24 GB
24 GB
12 GB
12 GB
11 GB
Open PuTTYgen (this comes as part of the PuTTY package), change the 'Number of bits in a generated key:' to 4096 (recommended), then click 'Generate'
2. Move your cursor around randomly in order to "salt" your key, while the key is being generated. Once the key is generated, you should see something like this:
3. Replace the text in the 'Key comment:' field with something recognizable and enter a passphrase in the two fields below.
4. Copy the text in the 'Public key for pasting...' field (the text continues past what is displayed) and paste it wherever the public key is needed. If you are using GitHub, you can now create a new SSH key in your Personal Settings and paste this text into the 'Key' field.
5. Click on 'Save private key' and select a logical/recognizable name and directory for the file. Your private key is saved in the selected file.
6. Open Pageant (also part of the PuTTY package). If a message saying "Pageant is already running" is displayed, open your system tray and double click on the Pageant icon.
To open your system tray, click on the up arrow (looks like: ^ ) icon at the bottom right of your screen (assuming your taskbar is at the bottom of your screen).
7. Click on 'Add Key' and select the file you saved when generating your key earlier (Step 5). If it is requested, enter the passphrase you created at Step 3 to complete the process.
In order to not have to add the key to Pageant after every time your machine reboots, you can add the key file(s) to your Windows startup folder (the directory for the current user is C:\Users\[User Name]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup). You may still be prompted to enter the passphrase after a reboot, but you will not have to find and add the key to Pageant every time.
How to forward local ssh keys to Oscar
SSH provides a method of sharing the ssh keys on your local machine with Oscar. This feature is called Agent Forwarding and can be useful for instance when working with version control or other services that authenticate via ssh keys. Below are instructions on how to configure your SSH connection to forward ssh-agent for diffeent operating systems
This guide assumes you have an Oscar account. To request an account see create an account.
If you're confused about any acronyms or terms throughout the guide, check out our Quick Reference page to see definitions of commonly used terms
Oscar is the shared compute cluster operated by CCV.
Oscar runs the Linux RedHat7 operating system. General Linux documentation is available from The Linux Documentation Project. We recommend you read up on basic Linux commands before using Oscar. Some of the most common commands you'll be using in Oscar can also be found on our Quick Reference page.
If you'd like a brief introduction to Linux commands, watch our tutorial on Linux basics on Oscar.
Oscar has two login nodes and several hundred compute nodes. When users log in through Secure Shell (SSH), they are first put on one of the login nodes which are shared among several users at a time. You can use the login nodes to compile your code, manage files, and launch jobs on the compute nodes from your own computer. Running computationally intensive or memory intensive programs on the login node slows down the system for all users. Any processes taking up too much CPU or memory on a login node will be killed. Please do not run Matlab on the login nodes.
If you are at Brown and have requested a regular CCV account, your Oscar login will be authenticated using your Brown credentials, i.e. the same username and password that you use to log into any Brown service such as "canvas". We have seen login problems with the Brown credentials for some users so accounts moved to the RedHat7 system after September 1st 2018 can also log into RedHat7 with their CCV password.
If you are an external user, you will have to get a sponsored ID at Brown through the department with which you are associated before requesting an account on Oscar. Once you have the sponsored ID at Brown, you can request an account on Oscar and use your Brown username and password to log in.
To log in to Oscar you need Secure Shell (SSH) on your computer. Mac and Linux machines normally have SSH available. To login in to Oscar, open a terminal and type
Windows users need to install an SSH client. We recommend PuTTY, a free SSH client for Windows. Once you've installed PuTTY, open the client and use <username>@ssh.ccv.brown.edu
for the Host Name and click Open. The configuration should look similar to the screenshot below.
The first time you connect to Oscar you will see a message like:
You can type yes
. You will be prompted for your password. Note that nothing will show up on the screen when you type in your password; just type it in and press enter. You will now be in your home directory on Oscar. In your terminal you will see a prompt like this:
Congratulations, you are now on one of the Oscar login nodes.
Note: Please do not run computations or simulations on the login nodes, because they are shared with other users. You can use the login nodes to compile your code, manage files, and launch jobs on the compute nodes.
Users on Oscar have three places to store files:
Note that class accounts may not have a data directory. Users who are members of more than one research group may have access to multiple data directories.
From the home directory, you can use the command ls
to see your scratch directory and your data directory (if you have one) and use cd
to navigate into them if needed.
To see how much space in your directories, use the command checkquota
. Below is an example output:
Files not accessed for 30 days may be deleted from your scratch directory. This is because scratch is high performance space. The fuller scratch is, the worse the read/write performance. Use ~/data for files you need to keep long term.
A good practice is to configure your application to read any initial input data from ~/data
and write all output into ~/scratch
. Then, when the application has finished, move or copy data you would like to save from ~/scratch
to ~/data
. For more information on which directories are backed up and best practices for reading/writing files, see Oscar's Filesystem and Best Practices. You can go over your quota up to the hard limit for a grace period. This grace period is to give you time to manage your files. When the grace period expires you will be unable to write any files until you are back under quota.
You can also transfer files to and from the Oscar Filesystem from your own computer. See Transferring Files to and from Oscar.
CCV uses the PyModules package for managing the software environment on OSCAR. To see the software available on Oscar, use the command module avail
. You can load any one of these software modules using module load <module>
. The command module list
shows what modules you have loaded. Below is an example of checking which versions of the module 'workshop' are available and loading a given version.
For a list of all PyModule commands, see Software Modules. If you have a request for software to be installed on Oscar, email support@ccv.brown.edu.
You can connect remotely to a graphical desktop environment on Oscar using CCV's OpenOnDemand. The OOD Desktop integrates with the scheduling system on Oscar to create dedicated, persistent VNC sessions that are tied to a single user.
Using VNC, you can run graphical user interface (GUI) applications like Matlab, Mathematica, etc. while having access to Oscar's compute power and file system.
You are on Oscar's login nodes when you log in through SSH. You should not (and would not want to) run your programs on these nodes as these are shared by all active users to perform tasks like managing files and compiling programs.
With so many active users, a shared cluster has to use a "job scheduler" to assign compute resources to users for running programs. When you submit a job (a set of commands) to the scheduler along with the resources you need, it puts your job in a queue. The job is run when the required resources (cores, memory, etc.) become available. Note that since Oscar is a shared resource, you must be prepared to wait for your job to start running, and it can't be expected to start running straight away.
Oscar uses the SLURM job scheduler. Batch jobs are the preferred mode of running programs, where all commands are mentioned in a "batch script" along with the required resources (number of cores, wall-time, etc.). However, there is also a way to run programs interactively.
For information on how to submit jobs on Oscar, see Running Jobs.
There is also extensive documentation on the web on using SLURM (quick start guide).
Online resources: SLURM, Linux Documentation, Basic Linux Commands, stackoverflow
CCV's page detailing common problems you might face on Oscar
Email support@ccv.brown.edu
Open OnDemand offers a browser-based terminal app to access Oscar. Windows users who do not want to install an SSH client like Putty will find this app very useful.
In the top menu, click Clusters
-> >_OSCAR Shell Access
A new tab will open and the web-based terminal app will be launched in it. The shell will be launched on one of the login nodes.
The shell DOES NOT start on a compute node. Please do not run computations or simulations on the login nodes, because they are shared with other users. You can use the login nodes to compile your code, manage files, and launch jobs on the compute nodes.
No installation needed. Just use your favorite browser!
No need to enter your password again. SSH into Oscar in seconds!
No need to use two factor authentication again. Just do it once, when you log into OOD.
Use it with, or without, VPN. Your workflow remains the same.
Open OnDemand (OOD) is a web portal to the Oscar computing cluster. An Oscar account is required to access Open OnDemand. Visit this link in a web browser and sign in with your Brown username and password to access this portal.
OOD provides with a several resources for interacting with Oscar.
No installation needed. Just use your favorite browser!
No need to use two-factor authentication multiple times. Just do it once, when you log into OOD.
Use it with, or without, VPN. Your workflow remains the same.
SSH Agent Forwarding on a Windows system using PuTTY, with an example application to git.
Once adding your private key to Pageant, open PuTTY and navigate to the Auth menu.
2. Check the 'Allow agent forwarding' checkbox, and return to the Session menu.
3. Enter the Host Name you usually use to connect to Oscar, and click 'Open'.
4. Entering your password. If you have ssh keys setup on your local computer to connect to GitHub, you can confirm your ssh-agent was properly forwarded by checking GitHub . If the ssh command fails, your agent has not been properly forwarded.
node1103 (VSCode)
Arbiter2 applies different limits to a user's processes depending on the user's status: normal, penalty1, and penalty2.
Arbiter2 limits apply only to the shared nodes, not compute nodes.
Upon first log in, the user is in the normal status. These normal limits apply to all the user's processes on the node:
1/3 of the total CPU time. For example, a user's processes can use up to 1/3 of the total CPU time of the 24 cores on a login node.
When a user's processes consume CPU time more than the default CPU time limit for a period of time, the user's status is changed to the penalty1 status. These penalty1 limits are applied:
80% of the normal limit.
0.8 * 40GB = 32GB (80% of the normal limit)
While a user is in penalty1 status, their processes are throttled if they consume more CPU time than penalty1 limit. However, if a user's processes exceed penalty1 memory limit, the processes (PIDs) will be terminated by cgroups.
The user's status returns to the normal status after a user's processes consume CPU time less than the penalty1 limit for 30 minutes.
Penalty restrictions are enforced independently for each shared node, and the penalty status does not carry over between these nodes.
When a user's processes consume more CPU time than the penalty1 limit for a period of time, the user is put in the penalty2 status, and the penalty2 limits apply to the user's processes.
50% of the normal limit
20GB (50% of the normal limit)
In penalty2 status, the user's processes will be throttled if they consume more CPU time than penalty2 limit. However, if a user's processes exceed penalty2 memory limit, the processes (PIDs) will be terminated by cgroups.
The user's status returns to the normal status after a user's processes consume CPU time less than the penalty2 limit for one hour.
When a user's processes consume more CPU time than the penalty2 limit for a period of time, the user is put in the penalty3 status. These penalty3 limits apply to the user's processes.
30% of the normal limit
12GB (30% of the normal limit)
In penalty3 status, the user's processes will be throttled if they consume more CPU time than penalty3 limit. If a user's processes exceed penalty3 memory limit, the processes (PIDs) will be terminated by cgroups
The user's status returns to the normal status after a user's processes consume CPU time less than the penalty3 limit for two hours.
A user receives an email notification upon each violation. Below is a example email:
This may indicate that you are running computationally-intensive work on the interactive/login node (when it should be run on compute nodes instead). Please utilize the 'interact' command to initiate a SLURM session on a compute node and run your workloads there.
You now have the status penalty1 because your usage has exceeded the thresholds for appropriate usage on the node. Your CPU usage is now limited to 80% of your original limit (8.0 cores) for the next 30 minutes. In addition, your memory limit is 80% of your original limit (40.0 GB) for the same period of time.
These limits will apply on login006.
Usage values are recent averages. Instantaneous usage metrics may differ. The processes listed are probable suspects, but there may be some variation in the processes responsible for your impact on the node. Memory usage is expressed in GB and CPU usage is relative to one core (and may exceed 100% as a result).
*This process is generally permitted on interactive nodes and is only counted against you when considering memory usage (regardless of the process, too much memory usage is still considered bad; it cannot be throttled like CPU). The process is included in this report to show usage holistically.
**This accounts for the difference between the overall usage and the collected PID usage (which can be less accurate). This may be large if there are a lot of short-lived processes (such as compilers or quick commands) that account for a significant fraction of the total usage. These processes are whitelisted as defined above.
When a user receives an alert email that the user is put in a penalty status, the user should
kill the processes that use too much resources on the shared node listed in the alert email, and/or reduce the resources used by the processes
CCV reserves the right to suspend a user's access to Oscar, if the user repeatedly violates the limits, and the user is not able to work with CCV to find a solution.
Essential Linux utilities, such as rsync, cp, scp, SLURM commands, creating Singularity images, and code compilation, are exempt. To obtain a comprehensive list, please get in touch with us
The CPU resources used by exempt programs are not count against the CPU limits. However, the memory resources used by exempt program still counted against the memory limits.
Agent Forwarding in Mac and Linux Systems
First, start your ssh-agent
with the command below.
You should see an output similar to this:
Next, add your ssh private keys to the running agent (using the ssh-add
command on line 1). This step may be repeated for every key pair you use to connect to different git servers. For most, this file is called id_rsa
and will live in ~/.ssh/id_rsa
. If you set a password for your ssh keys, the agent will prompt you to enter them.
Confirm the ssh keys have been loaded into the agent with ssh-add -L
Now ssh into Oscar with the -A
option as shown on the first line below (replace username
with your Oscar username). -A
will forward your ssh-agent to Oscar, enabling you to use the ssh keys on your laptop while logged into Oscar.
If you have ssh keys setup on your local computer to connect to GitHub, you can confirm your ssh-agent was properly forwarded by checking GitHub . If the ssh command fails, your agent has not been properly forwarded.
To make these changes permanent, you can add the ForwardAgent yes
option to your ssh configuration file. To learn more about configuring your ssh connections, visit
Log in to
3. You are logged into one of the login nodes. You can from this terminal or for anything computationally intensive.
Use the in the portal to view, copy, download or delete files on Oscar.
Launch , like Matlab and Jupyter Notebook, inside your web browser.
with your browser without needing a separate terminal emulator. This is especially handy for Windows users, since you do not need to install a separate program.
No need to enter your password again. in seconds!
is a cgroups-based mechanism that is designed to prevent the misuse of login nodes and VSCode node, which are scarce, shared resources. It is installed on shared nodes listed below:
A violation of the usage policy by ccvdemo (CCV Demo,,,,ccvdemo) on login006 was automatically detected starting at 08:53 on 04/25.
submit an, a , or an to run computational intensive programs including but not limited to Python, R and Matlab
consider attending to learn more about correctly using Oscar.
SeekDeep (21)
mamba-package (1)
other processes** (1)
mamba (1)
python3.10 (1)
sshd* (2-4)
bash (1-4)
python (1)
RStudio is an IDE for R that can be run on Oscar.
Open the Open On Demand Dashboard by following this link. Select RStudio (under "Default GUI's"). Fill in the form to allocate the required resources, and optionally select your R modules. Finally, click the "Launch Session" button.
Plotting figures may not work within RStudio. If this is the case, save the plots to a file, and view them through the Open On Demand Desktop App. If plots are required for your task, launch RStudio through the Desktop App.
To learn about using the Open On Demand Desktop App, look here.
You can launch several different apps on the Open OnDemand (OOD) interface. All of these apps start of a Slurm batch job on the Oscar cluster with the requested amount of resources. These jobs can access the filesystem on Oscar and all output files are written to the Oscar's file system.
Open https://ood.ccv.brown.edu on any browser of the your choice
If prompted, enter your Brown username and password.
Click on the "Interactive Apps" tab at the top of the screen to see the list of available apps. This will open the form to enter the details of the job.
Follow the instructions on the form to complete it. Some of fields can be left blank and OOD will choose the default option for you.
Click Launch to submit an OOD job. This will open a new tab on the browser It may take a few minutes for this job to start.
Click "Launch <APP>" again if prompted in the next tab.
SLURM limits on resources such CPUs, memory, GPUs or time for each partition still applies for OOD jobs. Please keep these in mind before choosing these options on the OOD form.
When submit a batch job from a terminal of the Desktop app or the Advanced Desktop app, users need to
run "unset SLURM_MEM_PER_NODE"
before submitting a job if the job needs to specify --mem-per-cpu
run "unset SLURM_EXPORT_ENV"
before submitting an MPI job
We recommend all users to install Python packages within an environment. This can be a Conda to a python virtual environment. More information can be found here. Follow these steps to use such environments in the Jupyter app.
Open a terminal on Oscar.
Load the relevant python module and create and/or activate the environment. See this page for more information about creating virtual environments.
Run pip install notebook
to install Jupyter notebook, if not already installed.
Run pip install ipykernel
to install ipykernel in this environment.
Run python -m ipykernel install --user --name=<myenv>
where <myenv>
is the name of the environment.
Open the "Basic Jupyter Notebook for Python Environments" app on the Open OnDemand interface
Under "Python Module on Oscar", choose the python module you loaded when the environment was created.
Under "Python Virtual Environment", add the name of the Virtual Environment you created. Note: If your virtual environment is not at the top level of your home directory, you should input the absolute path to the environment directory.
Under the "Modules" , enter the name of the python module used to create the environment. Add any additional modules you may need separated with a space.
Choose the other options as required.
Click "Launch" to start the job
Click "Connect to Jupyter" on the next screen.
To start a new notebook, click "New" -> <myenv> where <myenv> is the environment.
For starting a pre-existing notebook, open the notebook. In the Jupyter interface, click "Kernel" -> "Change Kernel" -> <myenv> where myenv is the name of the environment.
Open a terminal on Oscar.
Activate the conda environment.
Run pip install notebook
to install Jupyter notebook, if not already installed.
Run pip install ipykernel
to install ipykernel in this environment.
Run python -m ipykernel install --user --name=<myenv>
where <myenv>
is the name of the environment.
Open the "Basic Jupyter Notebook with Anaconda" app on the Open OnDemand interface
Under "Oscar Anaconda module", choose "anaconda/2020.02"
Enter the name of the conda environment in "Conda Env"
Choose the other options as required.
Click "Launch" to start the job
Click "Connect to Jupyter" on the next screen.
To start a new notebook, click "New" -> <myenv> where <myenv> is the environment.
For starting a pre-existing notebook, open the notebook. In the Jupyter interface, click "Kernel" -> "Change Kernel" -> <myenv> where myenv is the name of the environment.
CCV uses all-flash parallel filesystem (Vast Data). Users have a home, data, and scratch space.
home ~
100GB of space
Optimized for many small files
30 days snapshots
The quota is per individual user
A grace period of 14 days
data ~/data
Each PI gets 256GB for free
Optimized for reading large files
30 days snapshots
The quota is by group
A grace period of 14 days
scratch ~/scratch
512G (soft-quota): 12T (hard-quota)
Optimized for reading/writing large files
30 days snapshots
Purging: Files not accessed for 30 days may be deleted
The quota is per individual user
A grace period of 21 days
Files not accessed for 30 days will be deleted from your scratch directory. This is because scratch is high-performance space. The fuller scratch is the worse the read/write performance. Use ~/data for files you need to keep long-term.
The scratch purge is on individual files. It is by 'atime' which is when the file was last read. You can use 'find' to find files that are at risk of being purged, e.g. to find files in the current directory that have not been accessed in the last 25 days:
find . -atime +25
A good practice is to configure your application to read any initial input data from ~/data
and write all output into ~/scratch
. Then, when the application has finished, move or copy data you would like to save from ~/scratch
to ~/data
Note: class or temporary accounts may not have a ~/data
To see how much space on your directories, you can use the command checkquota
. Below is an example output
You can go over your quota up to the hard limit for a grace period. This grace period is to give you time to manage your files. When the grace period expires you will be unable to write any files until you are back under quota.
There is a quota for space used and for number of files. If you hit the hard limit on either of these you will be unable to write any more files until you are back under quota.
Keep the number of files within the ranges from 0.5M (preferred) to 1M (upper limit). Going beyond this limit can lead to unexpected problems.
CCV users can access their home, data, and scratch directories as a local mount on their own Windows, Mac, or Linux system using the Common Internet File System (CIFS) protocol (also called Samba). This allows you to use applications on your machine to open files stored on Oscar. It is also a convenient way to move files between Oscar and your own machine, as you can drag and drop files.
To use SMB you will need to be connected to the VPN. Please install the Brown VPN client before proceeding.
A user's Windows machine is required to have Crowdstrike Home installed on the Windows machine to use SMB.
Users should ensure that the date and time are set correctly on their machine. Now you are ready to mount your CCV directories locally. Instructions for each of the various operating systems are given below.
Since the Jun'23 maintenance, you do not need to put your username in the Server address. Please update your server address if you see issues connecting to Oscar.
In the Finder, press "Command + K" or select "Connect to Server..."
from the "Go" menu.
For "Server Address", enter smb://smb.ccv.brown.edu/<volume>/
and click "Connect".
To access your Home directory, entersmb://smb.ccv.brown.edu/home/
To access your Scratch space, entersmb://smb.ccv.brown.edu/scratch/
To access your Data directory, entersmb://smb.ccv.brown.edu/data/<pi_group>/
To check your PI group run 'groups' command.
Enter your AD username and password. If you have trouble connecting, enter <username>@ad.brown.edu
as your Username
You may choose to add your login credentials to your keychain so you will not need to enter this again.
Optional. If you would like to automatically connect to the share at startup:
Open "System Preferences" (leave the Finder window open).
Go to "Accounts" > "(your account name)".
Select "Login Items".
Drag your data share from the "Finder" window to the "Login Items" window.
Install the cifs-utils
Make a directory to mount the share into:
Create a credentials file and add your AD account information:
Allow only root access to the credentials files:
Add an entry to thefstab
entry should be following:
to the login used on your Linux workstation, and replace <user> and <pi_group> with your Oscar username and PI group, respectively.
Mount the share:
Right-click "Computer" and select "Map Network Drive"
Select an unassigned drive letter
To mount specific volumes:
For Home directory, enter\\smb.ccv.brown.edu\home\
For Scratch space, enter\\smb.ccv.brown.edu\scratch\
For Data directory, enter\\smb.ccv.brown.edu\data\<pi_group>\
To check your<pi_group>
run 'groups' command.
Check "Connect using different credentials"
Click "Finish"
Enter your AD user name. If your computer is not in Active Directory (AD), you should enter your username in the format ad\username
Enter your AD password and click "OK"
You can now access your home directory through Windows Explorer with the assigned drive letter. Your data and scratch directories are available as the subdirectories (~/data
and ~/scratch
) of your home directory.
Efficient I/O is essential for good performance in data-intensive applications. Often, the file system is a substantial bottleneck on HPC systems, because CPU and memory technology has improved much more drastically in the last few decades than I/O technology.
Parallel I/O libraries such as MPI-IO, HDF5 and netCDF can help parallelize, aggregate and efficiently manage I/O operations. HDF5 and netCDF also have the benefit of using self-describing binary file formats that support complex data models and provide system portability. However, some simple guidelines can be used for almost any type of I/O on Oscar:
Try to aggregate small chunks of data into larger reads and writes.
For the GPFS file systems, reads and writes in multiples of 512KB
provide the highest bandwidth.
Avoid using ASCII representations of your data. They will usually
require much more space to store, and require conversion to/from
binary when reading/writing.
Avoid creating directory hierarchies with thousands or millions of
files in a directory. This causes a significant overhead in managing
file metadata.
While it may seem convenient to use a directory hierarchy for managing large sets of very small files, this causes severe performance problems due to the large amount of file metadata. A better approach might be to implement the data hierarchy inside a single HDF5 file using HDF5's grouping and dataset mechanisms. This single data file would exhibit better I/O performance and would also be more portable than the directory approach.
To log in to Oscar you need Secure Shell (SSH) on your computer.
You need log in using your Brown password. Old Oscar password can not be used for ssh any more.
There are two options for signing into Oscar: with or without VPN.
If you are connected to the Brown VPN, you have the option of using an SSH key pair to connect to Oscar without having to enter your password.
You can connect from anywhere. You will need Two Factor Authentication
You can connect when whithin Brown Wifi, Network or VPN. You will need to set up passwordless authentication.
This is the host to be used when connecting from a remote IDE, i.e., Visual Studio Code.
This host is used to transfer files to/from oscar using SFTP protocol
To log in to Oscar, open a terminal and
If you are not connected to the Brown VPN, use the following command:
If you are connected to the Brown VPN, use the following command:
The -X
allows Oscar to display windows on your machine. This allows you to open and use GUI-based applications, such as the text editor gedit
Watch our videos on SSHing on Linux and SSHing on Mac.
Windows users need to install an SSH client. We recommend PuTTY, a free SSH client for Windows.
If you are not connected to the Brown VPN, use username@ssh.ccv.brown.edu
as the Host Name and click Open.
If you are connected to the Brown VPN, use username@sshvpn.ccv.brown.edu
as the Host Name and click Open.
Confused? Watch our tutorial on PuTTY installation or SSHing to Oscar on Windows.
The first time you connect to Oscar you will see a message about the authenticity of the host:
You can type yes
and press return. On subsequent logins you should not see this message.
You will then be prompted for your password.
Nothing will show up on the screen as you type in your password. Just type it in and press enter.
You will now be in your home directory on Oscar. In your terminal you will see a prompt like this:
Congratulations, you are now on one of the Oscar login nodes! The login nodes are for administrative tasks such as editing files and compiling code. To use Oscar for computation you will need to use the compute nodes. To get to the compute nodes from the login nodes you can either start an interactive session on a compute node, or submit a batch job.
Please do not run CPU-intense or long-running programs directly on the login nodes! The login nodes are shared by many users, and you will interrupt other users' work.
Access Oscar's file-system remotely from VSCode.
To use VSCode you must be on a Brown compliant network or connected to the VPN. Please install the Brown VPN client before proceeding.
September 10, 2023: Some users have reported issues while connecting to the Oscar VSCode remote extension. This is due to a recent change introduced by VSCode. To address this issue
Ctrl (cmd on Mac) + Shift + P > Remote-SSH: Settings
Disable the Remote.SSH: Use Exec Server option
To use VSCode you will need to be connected to the VPN. Please install the Brown VPN client before proceeding.
Install the Remote Development extension pack for VSCode:
2. Open VSCode settings and uncheck symlink:
Code > Preferences > Settings
File > Preferences > Settings
Search for symlink
and make sure the symlink searching is unchecked
3. Make sure you have set up passwordless SSH authentication to Oscar. If you haven't, please refer to this documentation page.
If you have Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) installed in your computer, you need to follow the instructions for Windows (PowerShell).
4. Edit the config
The config
file is located at:
The config
file is located at:
If you have Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) installed in your computer, you need to follow the instructions for Windows (PowerShell).
Edit the config
file on your local machine, add the following lines. Replace <username>
with your Oscar username.
September 10, 2023: Some users have reported issues while connecting to the Oscar VSCode remote extension. This is due to a recent change introduced by VSCode. To address this issue
In VSCode, select Remote-SSH: Connect to Host… and after the list populates select ccv-vscode-node
6. Install and set up of VSCode
After a moment, VS Code will connect to the SSH server and set itself up.
After a moment, VS Code will connect to the SSH server and set itself up. You might see the Firewall prompt, please click allow.
Configure VSCode
Important: Please run the following to add a settings.json file to your config. This is because the filewatcher and file searcher (rg) indexes all the files you have access to in your workspace. If you have a large dataset (e.g. machine learning) this can take a lot of resources on the vscode node.
Connect to VSCode first.
You can either create a symlink via the ln
command below,
or manually create /users/$USER/.vscode-server/data/Machine/settings.json
file with following contents
Click the green icon "Open a Remote Window" in the bottom left corner of VSCode Window. Then click "Connect to Host" in the drop down list.
2. Select the ccv-vscode-node
option to connect to Oscar.
The filesystem on Oscar can be accessed through the file explorer on this web portal. The file explorer allows you
List files
Create a directory
Rename files
Copy/Move files
To access the file explorer, click "Files" -> "Home Directory" at the top of the screen.
Check the documentation below for some of these services below:
To access a directory, click "Change directory" and enter the path name
Do not use "~" in your directory path name. The path should start with "/users" or "/gpfs/"
To access your home directory, click the "Home Directory" link on the left. The path name at the top of the page should change to "/users/<username>"
To access your scratch directory, click the "scratch" directory in your home directory OR click "Change directory" and enter "/users/<username>/scratch"
To access your data directory, click the "data" directory in your home directory OR click "Change directory" and enter "/users/<username>/data"
Navigate to the directory that contains the plain-text file.
Click the icon with the three dots -> Edit
The file will open in a text editor in a new tab
Navigate to the directory that contains the file or directory.
Click the icon with the three dots -> Download
To download multiples files:
Click the check-box to the left of the file name.
Scroll to the top of the page and click "Download"
Directories are downloaded as zipped files on your computer.
Navigate to the directory where you need to upload the files.
Click the "Upload" button.
Follow the instructions on the screen. You can click the "Browse" buttons or drag and drop files.
Navigate to the directory where you would like to open the terminal
Click "Open in Terminal" at the top of the page.
A web-based terminal will open in a new tab of your browser. You will be logged into one of the login nodes.
The Desktop app on Open OnDemand is a replacement for the older VNC Java client. This app allows you to launch a Desktop GUI on Oscar.
Advanced users looking for more resources can try the Desktop (Advanced) app.
Do not load any anaconda
module in your .modules or .bashrc file. These modules prevent Desktop sessions from starting correctly. You may load them inside the Desktop session.
Click here to launch Open OnDemand (OOD) and log in with you Brown Credentials.
option in Interactive Apps
dropdown list:You may change the Image Quality if your internet connection is bad. Image quality can be changed in the middle of the session.
A session may get disconnected if it is not active for a while:
If the session disconnects as shown above, please don't click the "Connect" button on the screen. You may go to Open OnDemand page and click “My Interactive Sessions” to find the session again:
Please don’t launch a new session if you have an existing session. You cannot launch two desktop sessions at the same time.
Sometimes, the “My interactive Sessions” button is shortened to look like:
If you are using Google Chrome, switch on the "Clipboard" permission and you can directly copy and paste text into the OOD Desktop from any other program.
Click the Lock icon to the left of the URL
Switch on the "Clipboard" permission
Click the side panel button on the extreme left hand side of the screen.
To copy text into the Desktop session, paste the data into the Clipboard. It will be available to paste inside the Desktop session.
To copy text from the Desktop session, open the Clipboard. The copied text will be displayed inside it. You can select and copy the text inside the Clipboard and paste it to an external program.
If you need more or different resources than those available from the default Desktop session, you should use the Advanced Desktop app. Resources requested here count against the resources allowed for your Oscar account.
Fill out the form with your required resources.
Account: Enter your condo account name. If you are not a member of a condo, leave this blank
Desktop Environment: Choose XFCE. KDE works for CPU jobs, but may not be able to use GPU acceleration correctly.
Number of hours: Choose appropriately. Your Desktop session will end abruptly after this time has lapsed. Requesting a very long session will result in a lower job priority.
Partition: Equivalent to #SBATCH -p
option. The desktop session will run on this partition.
Num Cores: Equivalent to the #SBATCH -n
Num GPUs: Equivalent to the #SBATCH --gres=gpu:
option. This field is ignored if the partition does not have any GPU nodes, e.g. batch
Memory (GB): Equivalent to the #SBATCH --mem=
Reservation: Equivalent to the #SBATCH --reservation=
option. Leave blank if you are not using a reservation.
Wait and launch this session like the regular Desktop session.
Inside the Desktop session , click on Applications in the top left
Applications -> Settings -> Default Applications
In the new Window, click on the "Utilities" tab and choose "Gnome Terminal" in the drop down menu under "Terminal Emulator"
Then click on "Applications -> Terminal Emulator" to launch the terminal:
Close the Desktop session
Inside a terminal (outside the Desktop session), run this command:
rm -r ~/.ood_config
Start a new desktop session .
Please drag and drop the "Terminal Emulator" icon from the "Applications" menu to the launcher panel at the bottom of the screen, it will be inserted to the launcher panel:
Then click on "Create Launcher":
You may remove the old terminal icon after adding the new icon:
Nightly snaphots of the file system are available for the last 30 days.
CCV does not guarantee that each of the last 30 days will be available in snapshots because occasionally the snapshot process does not complete within 24 hours.
Nightly snapshots of the file system are available for the last 30 days can be found in the following directories.
Home directory snapshot
Data directory snapshot
Scratch directory snapshot
To restore a file, copy the file from the snapshot to your directory.
Do not use the links in your home directory snapshot to try and retrieve snapshots of data and scratch. The links will always point to the current versions of these files. An easy way to check what a link is pointing to is to use ls -l
Run the checkquota
command and identify the line that shows the warning status message.
If this directory is either /oscar/home
or /oscar/scratch
, you will have to take the subsequent steps to resolve this issue. If the directory is data+<group>
you should inform others in your group and take collective action to resolve this issue.
Check whether you have exceeded your disk space quota or your inodes quota. Disk space usage is specified in GB or TB while inodes usage is just numerical count.
You will need to take the following steps based on the quota you have exceeded.
The fastest way to reduce this usage is identifying large and unnecessary files. Load the module ncdu
using the command module load ncdu
and run ncdu
in the offending directory. This utility will scan that directory and show you all the directories and files, sorted by their size. If they are not sorted by size, press lowercase s
to sort them by size. You can navigate the directory tree using the arrow keys and delete any files or directories that are unnecessary.
Some programs leave a lot of temporary files on the disk that may not be necessary.
Core Dump Files: This files are typically named core.<number>
A core dump file is generated when a program crashes. It contains the state of the system and it is useful for debugging purposes. You can safely delete any core dump files if you know the reason behind the crash. Old core dump files can take up a lot of disk space and they can be safely deleted.
Inode usage can be reduced by removing any files and directories OR tarring up large nested directories. When a directory is converted to a tar ball, it uses a single inode instead of one inode per directory or file. This can drastically decrease your inode usage. Identify directories that contain a large number of files or a very large nested tree of directories with a lot of files.
To identify such directories, load the module ncdu
using the command module load ncdu
and run ncdu
in the offending directory. This utility will scan that directory and show you all the directories and files, sorted by their size. Press uppercase C
to switch the sorting criteria to "number of items". You can navigate the directory tree using the arrow keys and delete or tar any files or directories that are unnecessary.
To create a tar ball of a directory:
If your usage has exceeded quota and you cannot write to the directory, you can tar ball in another directory. Using this command, you can create a tar ball in the scratch directory:
Accessing VSCode from Non-Brown compliant networks
This guide is only for users connecting from Non-Brown Compliant Networks. 2-FA is mandatory.
Open VSCode settings
On Windows/Linux - File > Preferences > Settings
On macOS - Code > Preferences > Settings
Search for symlink
and make sure the symlink searching is unchecked
3. Under VSCode settings, search for remote ssh timeout and manually enter a timeout value i.e. 50s. It should give you enough time to complete 2-Factor Authentication.
4. Edit the ~/.ssh/config
file on your local machine, add the following lines. Replace <username>
with your Oscar username.
6. In VSCode, select Remote-SSH: Connect to Host… and after the list populates select login-node
Jobs can be run on Oscar in two different ways:
Interactive jobs allow the user to interact with programs (e.g., by entering input manually, using a GUI) while they are running. However, if your connection to the system is interrupted, the job will abort. Small jobs with short run times and jobs that require the use of a GUI are best-suited for running interactively.
Batch jobs allow you to submit a script that tells the cluster how to run your program. Your program can run for long periods of time in the background, so you don't need to be connected to Oscar. The output of your program is continuously written to an output file that you can view both during and after your program runs.
Jobs are scheduled to run on the cluster according to your account priority and the resources you request (i.e., cores, memory, and runtime). In general, the fewer resources you request, the less time your job will spend waiting in the queue.
Please do not run CPU-intense or long-running programs directly on the login nodes! The login nodes are shared by many users, and you will interrupt other users' work.
If you have an existing virtual environment, proceed to step 2. Otherwise, to create a new virtual environment:
2. Search for Python.VenvPath
as shown in the picture below:
3. VSCode expects you to have multiple virtual environments for each of your different python projects, and it expects you to put them all in the same directory. Pointing to the parent directory lets it scan and find all expected virtual environments, and then you can easily toggle between them in interface.
4. Once you have the virtual environment selected, the debugging capabilities should work.
You may use either Globus (recommended) or smbclient to transfer data between Oscar and Campus File Storage.
1) Log into Oscar:
2) Start a screen session. This will allow you to reattach to your terminal window if you disconnect.
3) To use Oscar's high-speed connection to Campus File Storage - Replicated:
Similarly to access Campus File Storage - Non-Replicated ( LRS: Locally Redundant Share)
Replace SHARE_NAME, DIRECTORY_NAME, and BROWN_ID. DIRECTORY_NAME is an optional parameter. The password required is your Brown password.
4) Upload/download your data using the FTP "put"/"get" commands. Replace DIRECTORY_NAME with the folder you'd like to upload.
5) You can detach from the screen session with a "CTRL+A D" keypress. To reattach to your session:
is upload to Campus File Storage
Usage: put <local_file> [remote file name]
Copy <local_file>
from Oscar to Campus File Storage. The remote file name is optional (use if you want to rename the file)
is download to Oscar
Usage: get <remote_file> [local file name]
Copy <remote_file>
from the Campus File Storage to Oscar. The local file name is optional (use if you want to rename the file)
To move more than one file at once use mput
or mget
. By default:
is OFF. smbclient will not recurse into any subdirectories when copying files
is ON. smbclient will ask for confirmation for each file in the subdirectories
You can toggle recursion ON/OFF with:
You can toggle prompt OFF/ON with:
There are several ways to move files between your machine and Oscar. Which method you choose will depend on how much data you need to move and your personal preference for each method.
Mac and Linux
You can use scp
to transfer files. For example to copy a file from your computer to Oscar:
To copy a file from Oscar to your computer:
You can use rsync
to sync files across your local computer to Oscar:
Windows On Windows, if you have PuTTY installed, you can use it's pscp
function from the terminal.
protocol and transfer.ccv.brown.edu
hostnameDUO is required if you are not connected to approved networks, e.g., home network
There is no interactive terminal message but your Phone will get a prompt automatically
DUO is NOT required if you are connected to approved Brown networks
In general, you can specify the following for your GUI programs:
Protocol: SFTP
Host: transfer.ccv.brown.edu
User: your Oscar username
Password: your Brown password
Click the Options
and then Preferences
menu in WinsCP. In the poped up window, click Transfer
and then Background
to (Figure 1)
change Maximal number of transfers at the same time
to 1
uncheck Use multiple connections for single transfer
click Endurace
to (Figure 2)
set Automatically reconnect session
to 5 seconds
uncheck Automatically reconnect session, if it stalls
set Keep reconnection for
to 10 seconds
Click the Edit
menu and then select the Settings
submenu, and then change the Timeout in seconds
to 0 to disable, as shown in Figure 2
Open the Site Manager as show in Figure 5.
Click the 'New Site' button to add a new site, as shown in Figure 4:
Limit the number of simultaneous connections to 1, as shown in Figure 5.
Click the 'Connect' button to connect to Oscar and transfer files.
You may see a popup window on 'Unknown Fingerprint'. You just need to check the 'Always' option and click 'Allow'. This is windows should not pop up again unless the transfer server is changed again.
To determine the sizes of files and discover the largest files in a directory, one can use the Ncdu module.
To get started with NCDU, load the module using the following command:
Once the module has been loaded, it can be used to easily show the size of all files within a directory:
To view options you can use with the ncdu
command, simply use the command ncdu --help
The line above uses Ncdu to rank all of the files within the my_directory
directory. Your window should change to show a loading screen (if the directory doesn't have a lot in it, you may not even see this screen):
Once Ncdu has finished loading, you will see a result like this:
The files will be ordered with the largest file at the top and the smallest file at the bottom. The bottom left corner shows the Total disk usage
(which in this case is 25.5 KiB). To quit out of this display, simply press q on your keyboard.
If there is a subdirectory within the directory you're inspecting, the files and directories within that subdirectory can be viewed by selecting the directory with the gray bar (using up and down arrow keys as needed) and then using the right arrow key.
Use the command checkquota
to view your current disk usage and quotas. Here's an example output of this command
Each line represents a top level directory that you have access to.
Each column represents a usage or quota for these directories.
This usage is expressed in Gigabytes (G) or Terabytes (T) . This is the total size of all the files in that directory and it does not depend upon the number of files. Run the command checkquota to see your disk usage and quota. Here's an example:
This is the total number of files and directories in the particular directory. This number does not depend upon the size of the files. Run the command checkquota to see your inode usage and quota. Here's an example:
All quotas have a soft limit (SLimit) and hard limit (HLimit). When usage exceeds the soft limit, a grace period associated with this limit begins. During the grace period, the usage is allowed to increase up to the hard limit. When the usage reaches the hard limit or when the grace period expires, the user is not allowed to write any files to that particular directory.
The "Usage State" column shows the status of the grace period for a particular directory. Here are some of the status messages:
This indicates that your usage of the disk space or inodes has exceeded the soft limit and you are still within the grace period. Check the Grace_Period
column to see the number of days left in the grace period. You may continue writing data into this directory until the end of the grace period, as long as you do not exceed the hard limit
This indicates that your usage has exceeded the soft limit AND the grace period has expired. You will not be able to write data into that directory, but you can remove files.
This indicates that your usage has reached the hard limit. You will not be able to write data into that directory, but you can remove data.
This indicates that your usage of the disk space as well as inodes in within the soft quota.
This is a quick guide for resolving issues related to file system quotas. To read more details about these quotas, refer to .
Apptainer: Run the command to clear the apptainer cache. This will clear up the cache in your home directory without affecting any container images. However, pulling a new image from a repository may be slower in the future.
Conda: Run the command to delete any tarballs downloaded by conda. This does not affect any existing conda or python virtual environments. However, it may slow down the installation of some packages in the future
Install the for VSCode
Oscar is a shared machine used by hundreds of users at once. User requests are called jobs. A job is the combination of the resource requested and the program you want to run on the compute nodes of the Oscar cluster. On Oscar, is used to schedule and manage jobs.
Follow the instructions .
You can transfer files between Campus File Storage and Oscar using .
(best for large transfers)
You can drag and drop files from your machine to the Oscar filesystem via SMB. This is an easy method for a small number of files. Please refer to this for mounting filesystem via SMB.
A personal Windows computer must have installed in order to be on approved Brown networks.
is a secure, reliable research data management service. You can move data directly to Oscar from anothe Globus endpoint. Oscar has one Globus endpoint:
If you want to use Globus Online to move data to/from you own machine, you can install Globus Connect Personal. For more instructions on how to use Globus, see the in the Globus documentation.
is a sophisticated file transfer program supporting a number of network protocols (ftp, http, sftp, fish, torrent). It has bookmarks, a built-in mirror command, can transfer several files in parallel and was designed with reliability in mind. You can use the LFTP
module from Oscar to transfer data from any (S)FTP server you have access to directly to Oscar. Below are the main LFTP
commands to get you started:
Disk usage and quotas are calculated separately for . Two types of quotas are calculated for each of these directories:
The squeue
command will list all jobs scheduled in the cluster. We have also written wrappers for squeue
on Oscar that you may find more convenient:
This command will list all of your pending jobs and the estimated time until completion.
The sacct
command will list all of your running, queued and completed jobs since midnight of the previous day. To pick an earlier start date, specify it with the -S
To find out more information about a specific job, such as its exit status or the amount of runtime or memory it used, specify the -l
("long" format) and -j
options with the job ID:
The myjobinfo
command uses the sacct
command to display "Elapsed Time", "Requested Memory" and "Maximum Memory used on any one Node" for your jobs. This can be used to optimize the requested time and memory to have the job started as early as possible. Make sure you request a conservative amount based on how much was used.
shows the requested memory: A c
at the end of number represents Memory Per CPU, a n
represents Memory Per Node. MaxRSS
is the maximum memory used on any one node. Note that memory specified to sbatch using --mem
is Per Node.
The 'jobstats' utility is now available for analyzing recently completed jobs, comparing the resources used to those requested in the job script, including CPU, GPU, and memory. If email notifications are enabled, 'jobstats' sends an email with the results and includes a prompt to contact support for help with resource requests.
Run this command in a bash shell on Oscar. No additional module needs to be loaded.
To send this output to your email after the job is completed, make sure that these lines are in your job submit script
Resources from the web on getting started with MPI:
MPI is a standard that dictates the semantics and features of "message passing". There are different implementations of MPI. Those installed on Oscar are
We recommend using hpcx-mpi as it is integrated with the SLURM scheduler and optimized for the Infiniband network.
Oscar uses a Hierarchical module system where users need to load the required MPI module before they can load any other module that depends upon that particular MPI module. You can read more about this module system here.
Currently, the two available mpi implementations on Oscar are hpcx-mpi
and openmpi
. You can check the available versions by running these commands
is the recommend version of MPI on Oscar. It can be loaded by running
instead of mpirun
Use srun --mpi=pmix
to run MPI programs. All MPI implementations are built with SLURM support. Hence, the programs need to be run using SLURM's srun
The --mpi=pmix
flag is also required to match the configuration with which MPI is installed on Oscar.
To run an MPI program interactively, first create an allocation from the login nodes using the salloc
For example, to request 4 cores to run 4 tasks (MPI processes):
Once the allocation is fulfilled, you can run MPI programs with the srun
When you are finished running MPI commands, you can release the allocation by exiting the shell:
Also, if you only need to run a single MPI program, you can skip the salloc
command and specify the resources in a single srun
This will create the allocation, run the MPI program, and release the allocation.
Note: It is not possible to run MPI programs on compute nodes by using the interact
documentation: https://slurm.schedmd.com/salloc.html
documentation: https://slurm.schedmd.com/srun.html
Here is a sample batch script to run an MPI program:
If your program has multi-threading capability using OpenMP, you can have several cores attached with a single MPI task using the --cpus-per-task
or -c
option with sbatch
or salloc
. The environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS
governs the number of threads that will be used.
The above batch script will launch 4 MPI tasks - 2 on each node - and allocate 4 CPUs for each task (total 16 cores for the job). Setting OMP_NUM_THREADS
governs the number of threads to be used, although this can also be set in the program.
The maximum theoretical speedup that can be achieved by a parallel program is governed by the proportion of sequential part in the program (Amdahl's law). Moreover, as the number of MPI processes increases, the communication overhead increases i.e. the amount of time spent in sending and receiving messages among the processes increases. For more than a certain number of processes, this increase starts dominating over the decrease in computational run time. This results in the overall program slowing down instead of speeding up as number of processes are increased.
Hence, MPI programs (or any parallel program) do not run faster as the number of processes are increased beyond a certain point.
If you intend to carry out a lot of runs for a program, the correct approach would be to find out the optimum number of processes which will result in the least run time or a reasonably less run time. Start with a small number of processes like 2 or 4 and first verify the correctness of the results by comparing them with the sequential runs. Then increase the number of processes gradually to find the optimum number beyond which the run time flattens out or starts increasing.
An MPI program is allowed to run on at most 32 nodes. When a user requests more than 32 nodes for an MPI program/job, the user will receive the following error:
Batch job submission failed: Requested node configuration is not available
To start an interactive session for running serial or threaded programs on an Oscar compute node, simply run the command interact
from the login node:
By default, this will create an interactive session that reserves 1 core and 4GB of memory for a period of 30 minutes. You can change the resources reserved for the session from these default limits by modifying the interact command:
For example, the command
requests an interactive session with 20 cores and 10 GB of memory (per node) for a period of 1 hour.
Keeping Interactive Jobs Alive:
If you lose connectivity to your login node, you lose access to your interactive job. To mitigate this issue you can use screen
to keep your connection alive. For more information on using screen
on the login nodes, see the software section
Oscar has the following slurm partitions. The number and size of jobs allowed on Oscar vary with both partition and type of user account. You can email support@ccv.brown.edu if you need advice on which partitions to use.
To list partitions on Oscar available to your account, run the following command:
To view all partitions (including ones you don't have access to), replace the -O
in the command above with -aO
general purpose computing
short wait time, short run time partition for debugging
graphical desktop environment
GPU nodes
High End GPU nodes
short wait time, short run time partition for gpu debugging
large memory nodes
batch is the default partition.
Below are brief summary of partitions. For the details of nodes in partitions, please see here.
General purpose computing
Priority is determined by account type (from highest
to lowest: condo, priority, exploratory)
Condo limits apply to the group (i.e., they reflect the sum of all users on the condo). Condo users can check the limits on their condo with the command condos
There is no limit on the time for condo jobs, but users should be aware that planned maintenance on the machine may occur (one month’s notice is given prior to any planned maintenance).
Short wait time, short run time access for debugging
All users have the same limits and priority on the debug partition
These nodes are for running VNC sessions/jobs
Account type may affect Priority
For GPU-based jobs
GPU Priority users get higher priority and more resources than free users on the GPU partition
Condo users submit to the gpu partition with normal or priority access (if they have a priority account in addition to their condo)
For GPU-based jobs
Uses Tesla V100 GPUs
Restricted to High End GPU Priority users
Short wait time, short run time gpu access for debugging
All users have the same limits and priority on the gpu-debug partition
For jobs requiring large amounts of memory
Priority users get higher priority and more resources than free users on the bigmem partition
Condo users submit to the bigmem partition with normal or priority access (if they have a priority account in addition to their condo)
Premium users get higher priority and more resources than free users on the SMP partition
Condo users submit to the SMP partition with normal or priority access (if they have a priority account in addition to their condo)
A job array is a collection of jobs that all run the same program, but on different values of a parameter. It is very useful for running parameter sweeps, since you don't have to write a separate batch script for each parameter setting.
To use a job array, add the option:
in your batch script. The range can be a comma separated list of integers, along with ranges separated by a dash. For example:
A job will be submitted for each value in the range. The values in the range will be substituted for the variable $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID
in the remainder of the script. Here is an example of a script for running a serial Matlab script on 16 different parameters by submitting 16 different jobs as an array:
You can then submit the multiple jobs using a single sbatch
can be manipulated as needed. For example, you can generate a fixed length number form it. The following example generates a number of length of 3 from $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID
For more info: https://slurm.schedmd.com/job_array.html
If you'd prefer to see the following instructions in a video, we have a tutorial on batch job submission on Oscar.
To run a batch job on Oscar, you first have to write a script that describes what resources you need and how your program will run. Some example batch scripts are available in your home directory on Oscar, in the directory:
A batch script starts by specifying the bash
shell as its interpreter with the line:
By default, a batch job will reserve 1 core and 2.8GB of memory per core for your job. You can customize the amount of resources allocated for your job by explicitly requesting them in your batch script with a series of lines starting with #SBATCH
, e.g.,
The above lines request 4 cores (-n
), 16GB of memory per node (--mem
), and one hour of runtime (-t
). After you have described the resources you want allocated for the job, you then give the commands that you want to be executed.
All of the #SBATCH
instructions in your batch script must appear before the commands you want to run.
Once you have your batch script, you can submit a batch job to the queue using the sbatch
As an alternative to requesting resources within your batch script, it is possible to define the resources requested as command-line options to sbatch
. For example, the command below requests 4 cores (-n
), 16GB of memory per node (--mem
), and one hour of runtime (-t
) to run the job defined in the batch script.
Note that command-line options passed to sbatch
will override the resources specified in the script, so this is a handy way to reuse an existing batch script when you just want to change a few of the resource values.
The sbatch
command will return a number, which is your Job ID. You can view the output of your job in the file slurm-<jobid>.out
in the directory where you invoked the sbatch
command. For instance, you can view the last 10 lines of output with:
Alternatively, you can mention the file names where you want to dump the standard output and errors using the -o
and -e
flags. You can use %j
within the output/error filenames to add the id of the job. If you would like to change your output file to be MyOutput-<job-id>, you can add the following line to your batch job:
A full description of all of the options forsbatch
can be found online or by using the following command on Oscar:
The table below summarizes some of the more useful options forsbatch
Specify the job name that will be displayed when when listing the job
Number of tasks (= number of cores, if "--cpus-per-task" or "-c" option is not mentioned)
Number of CPUs or cores per task (on the same node)
Number of nodes
Runtime, as HH:MM:SS
Requested memory per node
Request a specific partition
Filename for standard output from the job
Filename for standard error from the job
Add a feature constraint (a tag that describes a type of node).
Note: you can view the available features on Oscar with the nodes
command or sinfo -o "%20N %10c %10m %25f %10G "
You can also select multiple feature constraints using '|', i.e. #SBATCH -C quadrortx|intel
Specify the events that you should be notified of by email: BEGIN, END, FAIL, REQUEUE, and ALL
Email ID where you should be notified
When a user logs into Oscar, there are pre-set environment variables such as HOME, which are the user's login environment variables. A user may modify an existing enviornmet variable, or add a new environment variable. So when a user submits a slurm batch job, the user's current environment variables may differ from the user's login environment. By default, a user's current environment variables, instead of the user's login environment variables, are accessible to the user's batch jobs on Oscar.
To modify or add an environment variable, run the following command:
run the following command in your shell
or have the following line in your batch script
After the step above to modify or add an environment variable, your batch job can access the environment variable my_variable whose value is my_value.
To export more than one environment variables, just list all the name=value pairs separated by commas:
Here is an example that a batch script loops over an input file and submits a job for each directory in the input file, where a directory is passed to a batch job for processing.
The input file test.txt has multiple lines where each line is a directory:
The loop.sh script reads each line (directory) from the input file and passes the directory as an environment variable to a batch job:
The test.job is a job script, which runs the test.sh to process the directory passed as an environment variable:
The test.sh is a bash script which simply echoes the directory:
If you run ./loop.sh
, then three jobs are submitted. Each job generates an output like the following:
Variables can be passed at the sbatch command line to set the job name, output and error file names, as shown in the following example:
To view the various GPUs available on Oscar, use the command
nodes gpu
To start an interactive session on a GPU node, use the interact
command and specify the gpu
partition. You also need to specify the requested number of GPUs using the -g
To start an interactive session on a particular GPU type (QuadroRTX, 1080ti, p100 etc) use the feature -f
For production runs, please submit a batch job to the gpu
partition. E.g. for using 1 GPU:
This can also be mentioned inside the batch script:
You can view the status of the gpu
partition with:
Sample batch script for CUDA program:
While you can program GPUs directly with CUDA, a language and runtime library from NVIDIA, this can be daunting for programmers who do not have experience with C or with the details of computer architecture.
You may find the easiest way to tap the computation power of GPUs is to link your existing CPU program against numerical libraries that target the GPU:
CUBLAS is a drop-in replacement for BLAS libraries that runs BLAS routines on the GPU instead of the CPU.
CULA is a similar library for LAPACK routines.
MAGMA combines custom GPU kernels, CUBLAS, and a CPU BLAS library to use both the GPU and CPU to simultaneously use both the GPU and CPU; it is available in the 'magma' module on Oscar.
Matlab has a GPUArray feature, available through the Parallel Computing Toolkit, for creating arrays on the GPU and operating on them with many built-in Matlab functions. The PCT toolkit is licensed by CIS and is available to any Matlab session running on Oscar or workstations on the Brown campus network.
OpenACC is a portable, directive-based parallel programming construct. You can parallelize loops and code segments simply by inserting directives - which are ignored as comments if OpenACC is not enabled while compiling. It works on CPUs as well as GPUs. We have the PGI compiler suite installed on Oscar which has support for compiling OpenACC directives. To get you started with OpenACC:
NVLink enables GPUs to pool memory over high speed links (25 G/s). This will increase performance of your application code.
Nodes gpu[1210,1211,1212]
have 4 fully connected NVLink (SXM2) V100 GPUs.
To submit interactive job to NVLink Enabled GPU nodes:
To submit batch job(s) add following line to your batch script.
Version Control refers to the management of changes made to source code or any such large amount of information in a robust manner by multiple collaborators. Git is by far the most popular version control system.
Git enables effective collaboration among developers. In a team setting, multiple developers often work on the same project simultaneously. With Git, each developer can work on their own local copy of the project, making changes and experimenting freely without affecting the main codebase. Git allows developers to merge their changes seamlessly, ensuring that modifications made by different individuals can be consolidated efficiently. It provides mechanisms to track who made specific changes, making it easier to understand the evolution of the project and identify potential issues.
Nearly all operations that are performed by Git are in you local computing environment, for the exception of few used purely to synchronize with a remote. Some of the most common git operations are depicted below. In summary a typical flow consists of making changes to your files, staging them via git add
, marking a save point via git commit
, then finally syncing to your remote (e.g., GitHub) via git push
. If you are pushing changes to your remote from multiple places, you can bring changes your most recent version using git pull
, which is the equivalent of doing git fetch
followed by a git merge
Below are some of the most commonly used Git commands. You can also get much more information by running git --help
. And if you'd like to learn more there is an excellent and thorough tutorial on Atlassian's website.
git add <FILENAME>
Add files to staging area for next commit
git commit -m "my awesome message"
Commit staged files
git push
Upload commit to remote repository
git pull
Get remote repo's commits and download (try and resolve conflicts)
git clone <URL>
Download entire remote repository
While using Git on Oscar, make sure that you configure Git to have your correct Name and Email ID to avoid confusion while working with remote repositories (e.g., GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket).
Git can sometimes be a bit tricky. And we all eventually find ourselves in a place where we want to undo something or fix a mistake we made with Git. This website (pardon the profanity) has a bunch of really excellent solutions to common problems we sometimes run in to with Git.
Note: we do not provide users condo access by default if their group/PI has a condo on the system. You will have to explicitly request a condo access and we will ask for approval from the PI.
To use your condo account to submit jobs, please follow the steps below to check the association of your Oscar account and include condo information in your batch script or command line.
Step 1 - Check your account associations to find your condo Account
and Partition
information by running the following command:
In the example below, the user has access to two condos, where their Account
and Partition
are highlighted.
|Share|Priority|GrpJobs|GrpTRES|GrpSubmit|GrpWall|GrpTRESMins|MaxJobs|MaxTRES|MaxTRESPerNode|MaxSubmit|MaxWall|MaxTRESMins|QOS|Def QOS|GrpTRESRunMins|
Step 2 - Choose the correct way to submit jobs to a condo according to the condo's Account
To see the running and pending jobs in a condo:
condo <condo-name>
If you have a premium account, that should be your default QOS for submitting jobs. You can check if you have a premium account with the command groups
. If you have a priority account you will see priority
in your the output form groups
You can check the qos for a running job by running the command myq
. The QOS
column should show "pri-<username>"
If you are interested in seeing all your accounts and associations, you can use the following command:
The two GH200 nodes are in the gracehopper
A gk-condo user can submit jobs to the GH200 nodes with their gk-gh200-gcondo account, i.e.,
For users who are not a gk-condo user, a High End GPU priority account is required for accessing the gracehopper
partition and GH200 nodes. All users with access to the GH200 nodes need to submit jobs to the nodes with the ccv-gh200-gcondo account, i.e.
To request a MIG, the feature mig
needs be specified, i.e.
A NGC container must be built on a GH200 node for the container to run on GH200 nodes
The two nodes have Arm CPUs. So Oscar modules do not run on the two GH200 nodes. Please contact support@ccv.brown.edu about installing and running modules on GH200 nodes.
In either case, you will probably find that because of the differences between GPU and CPU architectures, there are several new concepts you will encounter that do not arise when programming serial or threaded programs for CPUs. These are mainly to do with how CUDA uses threads and how memory is arranged on the GPU, both described in more detail below.
There are several useful documents from NVIDIA that you will want to consult as you become more proficient with CUDA:
There are also many CUDA tutorials available online:
CUDA uses a data-parallel programming model, which allows you to program at the level of what operations an individual thread performs on the data that it owns. This model works best for problems that can be expressed as a few operations that all threads apply in parallel to an array of data. CUDA allows you to define a thread-level function, then execute this function by mapping threads to the elements of your data array.
A thread-level function in CUDA is called a kernel. To launch a kernel on the GPU, you must specify a grid, and a decomposition of the grid into smaller thread blocks. A thread block usually has around 32 to 512 threads, and the grid may have many thread blocks totalling thousands of threads. The GPU uses this high thread count to help it hide the latency of memory references, which can take 100s of clock cycles.
Conceptually, it can be useful to map the grid onto the data you are processing in some meaningful way. For instance, if you have a 2D image, you can create a 2D grid where each thread in the grid corresponds to a pixel in the image. For example, you may have a 512x512 pixel image, on which you impose a grid of 512x512 threads that are subdivided into thread blocks with 8x8 threads each, for a total of 64x64 thread blocks. If your data does not allow for a clean mapping like this, you can always use a flat 1D array for the grid.
The CUDA runtime dynamically schedules the thread blocks to run on the multiprocessors of the GPU. The M2050 GPUs available on Oscar each have 14 multiprocessors. By adjusting the size of the thread block, you can control how much work is done concurrently on each multiprocessor.
The GPU has a separate memory subsystem from the CPU. The M2050 GPUs have GDDR5 memory, which is a higher bandwidth memory than the DDR2 or DDR3 memory used by the CPU. The M2050 can deliver a peak memory bandwidth of almost 150 GB/sec, while a multi-core Nehalem CPU is limited to more like 25 GB/sec.
The trade-off is that there is usually less memory available on a GPU. For instance, on the Oscar GPU nodes, each M2050 has only 3 GB of memory shared by 14 multiprocessors (219 MB per multiprocessor), while the dual quad-core Nehalem CPUs have 24 GB shared by 8 cores (3 GB per core).
Another bottleneck is transferring data between the GPU and CPU, which happens over the PCI Express bus. For a CUDA program that must process a large dataset residing in CPU memory, it may take longer to transfer that data to the GPU than to perform the actual computation. The GPU offers the largest benefit over the CPU for programs where the input data is small, or there is a large amount of computation relative to the size of the input data.
CUDA kernels can access memory from three different locations with very different latencies: global GDDR5 memory (100s of cycles), shared memory (1-2 cycles), and constant memory (1 cycle). Global memory is available to all threads across all thread blocks, and can be transferred to and from CPU memory. Shared memory can only be shared by threads within a thread block and is only accessible on the GPU. Constant memory is accessible to all threads and the CPU, but is limited in size (64KB).
Multiple-Instance GPU (MIG) is not enabled on the DGX H100 nodes
Each DGX H100 node has 112 Intel CPUs with 2TB memory, and 8 Nvidia H100 GPUs. Each H100 GPU has 80G memory.
The two DGX H100 nodes are in the gpu-he
partition. To access H100 GPUs, users need to submit jobs to the gpu-he partition and request the h100 feature, i.e.
The two nodes have Intel CPUs. So Oscar modules can still be loaded and run on the two DGX nodes.
This page describes installing popular frameworks like TensorFlow, PyTorch & JAX, etc. on your Oscar account.
Preface: Oscar is a heterogeneous cluster meaning we have nodes with different architecture GPUs (Pascal, Volta, Turing, and Ampere). We recommend building the environment first time on Ampere GPUs with the latest CUDA11 modules so it's backward compatible with older architecture GPUs.
In this example, we will install PyTorch (refer to sub-pages for TensorFlow and Jax).
Step 1: Request an interactive session on a GPU node with Ampere architecture GPUs
interact -q gpu -g 1 -f ampere -m 20g -n 4
Here, -f = feature. We only need to build on Ampere once.
Step 2: Once your session has started on a compute node, run nvidia-smi
to verify the GPU and then load the appropriate modules
Step 3: Create and activate the virtual environment, unload the pre-loaded modules then load cudnn and cuda dependencies
Step 4: Create a new vittual environment
Step 5: Install the required packages
The aforementioned will install the latest version of PyTorch with cuda11 compatibility, for older versions you can specify the version by:
Step 6: Test that PyTorch is able to detect GPUs
If the above functions return True
and GPU model
, then it's working correctly. You are all set, now you can install other necessary packages.
The Oscar GPUs are in a separate partition to the regular compute nodes. The partition is called gpu
. To see how many jobs are running and pending in the gpu partition, use
To start an session on a GPU node, use the interact
command and specify the gpu
partition. You also need to specify the requested number of GPUs using the -g
Here is an example batch script for a cuda job that uses 1 gpu and 1 cpu for 5 minutes
To submit this script:
All the nodes in the gpu-he partition have V100 GPUs. However, two of them are DGX nodes (gpu1404/1405) which have 8 GPUs. When a gpu-he job requests for more than 4 GPUs, the job will automatically be allocated to the DGX nodes.
The other non-DGX nodes actually have a better NVLink interconnect topology as all of them have direct links to the other. So the non-DGX nodes are better for a gpu-he job if the job does not require more than 4 GPUs.
Here is an example script for running dependent jobs on Oscar.
There are 3 batch jobs. Each job has it's own batch script: job1.sh, job2,sh, jobs.sh. The script above (script.sh) submits the three jobs.
line 4: job1 is submitted.
line 7: job2 depends on job1 finishing successfully.
line 10: job3 depends on job2 finishing successfully.
To use the above script to submit the 3 jobs, run the script as follows:
Oscar uses associations to control job submissions from users. An association refers to a combination of four factors: Cluster, Account, User, and Partition. For a user to submit jobs to a partition, an association for the user and partition is required in Oscar.
To view a table of association data for a specific user (thegrouch
in the example), enter the following command in Oscar:
If thegrouch
has an exploratory account, you should see an output similar to this:
Note that the first four columns correspond to the four factors that form an association. Each row of the table corresponds to a unique association (i.e., a unique combination of Cluster, Account, User, and Partition values). Each association is assigned a Quality of Service (see QOS section below for more details).
Some associations have a value for GrpTRESRunMins
. This value indicates a limit on the total number of Trackable RESource (TRES) minutes that can be used by jobs running with this association at any given time. The cpu=110000
for the association with the batch
partition indicates that all of the jobs running with this association can have at most an accumulated 110,000 core-minute cost. If this limit is reached, new jobs will be delayed until other jobs have completed and freed up resources.
LimitHere is an example file that incurs a significant core-minute cost:
If this file is named too_many_cpu_minutes.sh
, a user withthegrouch
's QOS might experience something like this:
field will be (None)
at first, but after a minute or so, it should resemble the output above (after another myq
Note that the REASON
the job is pending and not yet running is AssocGrpCPURunMinutesLimit
. This is because the program requests 30 cores for 90 hours, which is more than the oscar/default/thegrouch/batch association allows (30 cores * 90 hours * 60 minutes/hour = 162,000 core-minutes > 110,000 core-minutes). In fact, this job could be pending indefinitely, so it would be a good idea for thegrouch
to run scancel 12345678
and make a less demanding job request (or use an association that allows for that amount of resources).
- To list the QoS & ResourcesThe myaccount
command serves as a comprehensive tool for users to assess the resources associated with their accounts. By utilizing this command, individuals can gain insights into critical parameters such as Max Resources Per User
and Max Jobs Submit Per User
The new Ampere architecture GPUs on Oscar (A6000's and RTX 3090's)
The new Ampere architecture GPUs do not support older CUDA modules. Users must re-compile their applications with the newer CUDA/11 or older modules. Here are detailed instructions to compile major frameworks such as PyTorch, and TensorFlow.
Users can install PyTorch from a pip virtual environment or use pre-built singularity containers provided by Nvidia NGC.
Pull the image from NGC
Export PATHs to mount the Oscar file system
To use the image interactively
To submit batch jobs
For batch script - Please include the following line:
For command line - You can also provide this option on the command line while submitting the job using sbatch
For interactive session - Similarly, you can change the account while asking for interactive access too:
For batch script - Please include the following line:
For command line - You can also provide this option on the command line while submitting the job using sbatch
For interactive session - Similarly, you can change the account while asking for interactive access too:
Oscar has two Grace Hopper GH200 GPU nodes. Each node combines and .
Each GH200 node has 72 Arm cores with 550G memory. Multiple-Install GPU (MIG)
is enabled on only one GH200 node that has 4 MIGs. The other GH200 node doesn't have MIGs and only one GPU. Both CPU and GPU threads on GH200 nodes can now .
NGC containers provide the best performance from the GH200 nodes. is an example for running NGC containers.
is an extension of the C language, as well as a runtime library, to facilitate general-purpose programming of NVIDIA GPUs. If you already program in C, you will probably find the syntax of CUDA programs familiar. If you are more comfortable with C++, you may consider instead using the higher-level library, which resembles the Standard Template Library and is included with CUDA.
from The Supercomputing Blog
Oscar has two H100 nodes. is based on the that accelerates the training of AI models. The two DGX nodes provides better performance when multiple GPUS are used, in particular with Nvidia software like .
NGC containers provide the best performance from the DGX H100 nodes. is an example for running NGC containers.
For details on the types of dependencies you can use in slurm see the manual page.
Quality of Service (QoS) refers to the ability of a system to prioritize and manage network resources to ensure a certain level of performance or service quality. An association's QOS is used for job scheduling when a user requests that a job be run. Every QOS is linked to a set of job limits that reflect the limits of the cluster/account/user/partition of the association(s) that has/have that QOS. QOS's can also have information on GrpTRESRunMins
limits for their corresponding associations. For example, have job limits of 1,198,080 core-minutes per job, which are associated with those accounts' QOS's. Whenever a job request is made (necessarily through a specific association), the job will only be queued if it meets the requirements of the association's QOS. In some cases, a QOS can be defined to have limits that differ from its corresponding association. In such cases, the limits of the QOS override the limits of the corresponding association. For more information, see the .
To compile a CUDA program on Oscar, first load the CUDA module with:
The CUDA compiler is called nvcc
, and for compiling a simple CUDA program it uses syntax simlar to gcc
The Oscar GPU nodes feature NVIDIA M2050 cards with the Fermi architecture, which supports CUDA's "compute capability" 2.0. To fully utilize the hardware optimizations available in this architecture, add the -arch=sm_20
flag to your compile line:
This means that the resulting executable will not be backwards-compatible with earlier GPU architectures, but this should not be a problem since CCV nodes only use the M2050.
The Fermi architecture has two levels of memory cache similar to the L1 and L2 caches of a CPU. The 768KB L2 cache is shared by all multiprocessors, while the L1 cache by default uses only 16KB of the available 64KB shared memory on each multiprocessor.
You can increase the amount of L1 cache to 48KB at compile time by adding the flags -Xptxas -dlcm=ca
to your compile line:
If your kernel primarily accesses global memory and uses less than 16KB of shared memory, you may see a benefit by increasing the L1 cache size.
If your kernel has a simple memory access pattern, you may have better results by explicitly caching global memory into shared memory from within your kernel. You can turn off the L1 cache using the flags –Xptxas –dlcm=cg
Memory-Intensive Workloads
Users can check the nodes in a partition using this command nodes
. As of May 2023 the Oscar cluster currently has following nodes in bigmem
All Oscar users have access to this partition, and can submit jobs to it. To submit batch jobs to large memory nodes, include the following in your batch script:
To run an interactive job on large memory node, launch the interact
command with the following flag:
CCV uses the LMOD package for managing the software environment on OSCAR. The advantage of the modules approach is that it allows multiple versions of the same software to be installed at the same time. With the modules approach, you can "load'' and "unload'' modules to dynamically control your environment.
Check out our tutorial on using modules on Oscar!
module list
Lists all modules that are currently loaded in your software environment.
module avail
Lists all available modules on the system. Note that a module can have multiple versions.
module help <name>
Prints additional information about the given software.
module load <name>
Adds a module to your current environment. If you load using just the name of a module, you will get the default version. To load a specific version, load the module using its full name with the version: "module load gcc/6.2"
module unload <name>
Removes a module from your current environment.
module bin <name>
Prints programs made available by a module
The module avail
command allows searching modules based on partial names. For example:
will list all available modules whose name starts with "bo".
This feature can be used for finding what versions of a module are available.
The module load
command supports auto-completion of the module name using the "tab" key. For example, writing module load bo
"on the shell prompt and hitting "tab" key a couple of times will show results similar to that shown above. Similarly, the module unload
command also auto completes using the names of modules which are loaded.
Loading a module sets the relevant environment variables like PATH
. For example, PATH contains all the directory paths (colon separated) where executable programs are searched for. So, by setting PATH through a module, now you can execute a program from anywhere in the file-system. Otherwise, you would have to mention the full path to the executable program file to run it which is very inconvenient. Similarly, LD_LIBRARY_PATH has all the directory paths where the run time linker searches for libraries while running a program, and so on. To see the values in an environment variable, use the echo
command. For instance, to see what's in PATH:
Setting up a GPU-accelerated environment can be challenging due to driver dependencies, version conflicts, and other complexities. Apptainer simplifies this process by encapsulating all these details
There are multiple ways to install and run TensorFlow. Our recommended approach is via NGC containers. The containers are available via NGC Registry. In this example we will pull TensorFlow NGC container
Build the container:
This will take some time, and once it completes you should see a .simg file.
For your convenience, the pre-built container images are located in directory:
You can choose either to build your own or use one of the pre-downloaded images.
Working with Apptainer images requires lots of storage space. By default Apptainer will use ~/.apptainer as a cache directory which can cause you to go over your Home quota.
Once the container is ready, request an interactive session with a GPU
Run a container wih GPU support
the --nv flag is important. As it enables the NVIDA sub-system
Or, if you're executing a specific command inside the container:
Make sure your Tensorflow image is able to detect GPUs
If you need to install more custom packages, the containers itself are non-writable but we can use the --user
flag to install packages inside .local
Here is how you can submit a SLURM job script by using the srun command to run your container. Here is a basic example:
This page describes how to install JAX with Python virtual environments
In this example, we will install Jax.
Step 1: Request an interactive session on a GPU node with Ampere architecture GPUs
Here, -f = feature. We only need to build on Ampere once.
Step 2: Once your session has started on a compute node, run nvidia-smi
to verify the GPU and then load the appropriate modules
Step 3: Create and activate the virtual environment
Step 4: Install the required packages
Step 5: Test that JAX is able to detect GPUs
If the above function returns gpu
, then it's working correctly. You are all set, now you can install other necessary packages.
Mixing MPI (C) and CUDA (C++) code requires some care during linking because of differences between the C and C++ calling conventions and runtimes. One option is to compile and link all source files with a C++ compiler, which will enforce additional restrictions on C code. Alternatively, if you wish to compile your MPI/C code with a C compiler and call CUDA kernels from within an MPI task, you can wrap the appropriate CUDA-compiled functions with the extern
keyword, as in the following example.
These two source files can be compiled and linked with both a C and C++ compiler into a single executable on Oscar using:
The CUDA/C++ compiler nvcc
is used only to compile the CUDA source file, and the MPI C compiler mpicc
is used to compile the C code and to perform the linking. / multiply.cu /
global void multiply (const float a, float b) { const int i = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x blockDim.x; b[i] = a[i]; }
extern "C" void launch_multiply(const float a, const b) { / ... load CPU data into GPU buffers a_gpu and b_gpu /
Note the use of extern "C"
around the function launch_multiply
, which instructs the C++ compiler (nvcc
in this case) to make that function callable from the C runtime. The following C code shows how the function could be called from an MPI task.
/ main.c /
void launch_multiply(const float a, float b);
int main (int argc, char **argv) { int rank, nprocs; MPI_Init (&argc, &argv); MPI_Comm_rank (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank); MPI_Comm_size (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nprocs);
Mixing MPI (C) and CUDA (C++) code requires some care during linking because of differences between the C and C++ calling conventions and runtimes. One option is to compile and link all source files with a C++ compiler, which will enforce additional restrictions on C code. Alternatively, if you wish to compile your MPI/C code with a C compiler and call CUDA kernels from within an MPI task, you can wrap the appropriate CUDA-compiled functions with the extern
keyword, as in the following example.
These two source files can be compiled and linked with both a C and C++ compiler into a single executable on Oscar using:
The CUDA/C++ compiler nvcc
is used only to compile the CUDA source file, and the MPI C compiler mpicc
is used to compile the C code and to perform the linking.
Note the use of extern "C"
around the function launch_multiply
, which instructs the C++ compiler (nvcc
in this case) to make that function callable from the C runtime. The following C code shows how the function could be called from an MPI task.
Many scientific and HPC software packages are already installed on Oscar, and additional packages can be requested by submitting a ticket to support@ccv.brown.edu. If you want a particular version of the software, do mention it in the email along with a link to the web page from where it can be downloaded. You can also install your own software on Oscar.
CCV cannot, however, supply funding for the purchase of commercial software. This is normally attributed as a direct cost of research, and should be purchased with research funding. CCV can help in identifying other potential users of the software to potentially share the cost of purchase and maintenance. Several commercial software products that are licensed campus-wide at Brown are available on Oscar.
For software that requires a Graphical User Interface (GUI) we recommend using CCV's VNC Client rather than X-Forwarding.
Several versions of Python are available on Oscar as modules. However, we recommend using the system Python available at /usr/bin/python . You do not need to load any module to use this version of Python.
is also installed as a system package, but other common Python packages (e.g., SciPy, NumPy) are not installed on the system. This affords individual users complete control over the packages they are using, thereby avoiding issues that can arise when code written in Python requires specific versions of Python packages.
We do not provide Python version 2 modules since it has reached its end of life. You may install Python 2 locally in your home directory, but CCV will not provide any Python2 modules.
Users can install any Python package they require by following the instructions given on the Installing Python Packages page.
Python 2 has entered End-of-Life (EOL) status and will receive no further official support as of January 2020. As a consequence, you may see the following message when using pip with Python 2.
DEPRECATION: Python 2.7 will reach the end of its life on January 1st, 2020. Please upgrade your Python as Python 2.7 won't be maintained after that date. A future version of pip will drop support for Python 2.7.
Going forward, the Python Software Foundation recommends using Python 3 for development.
By default, print
in Python is buffered. When running Python in a batch job in SLURM you may see output less often than you would when running interactively. This is because the output is being buffered - the print statements are collected until there is a large amount to print, then the messages are all printed at once. For debugging or checking that a Python script is producing the correct output, you may want to switch off buffering.
For a single python script you can use the -u
option, e.g.
python -u my_script.py
The -u
stands for "unbuffered". You can use the environment variable PYTHONUNBUFFERED
to set unbuffered I/O for your whole batch script.
There is some performance penalty for having unbuffered print statements, so you may want to reduce the number of print statements, or run buffered for production runs.
In January 2023, Oscar will be migrating to use Slurm version 22.05.7.
Slurm version 22.05.7
improves security and speed,
supports boths PMI2 and PMIX, and
provides REST APIs
allows users to prioritize their jobs via scontrol top <job_id>
While most applications will be unaffected by these changes, applications built to make use of MPI may need to be rebuilt to work properly. To help facilitate this, we are providing users who use MPI-based applications (either through Oscar's module system or built by users) with advanced access to a test cluster running the new version of Slurm. Instructions for accessing the test cluster, building MPI-based applications, and submitting MPI jobs using the new Slurm, are provided below.
Please note - some existing modules of MPI-based applications will be deprecated and removed from the system as part of this upgrade. A list of modules that will no longer be available to users following the upgrade is given at the bottom of the page.
Request access to the Slurm 22.05.7 test cluster (email support@ccv.brown.edu)
Connect to Oscar via either SSH or Open OnDemand (instructions below)
Build your application using the new MPI applications listed below
Submit your job
Users must contact support@ccv.brown.edu to obtain access to the test cluster in order to submit jobs using Slurm 22.05.7.
Connect to Oscar using the ssh
command in a terminal window
From Oscar's command line, connect to the test cluster using the command ssh node1947
From the node1947 command line, submit your jobs (either interactive or batch) as follows:
For CPU-only jobs: interact -q image-test
For GPU jobs: interact -q gpu
Include the following line within your batch script and then submit using the sbatch
command, as usual
For CPU-only jobs: #SBATCH -p image-test
For GPU jobs: #SBATCH -p gpu
Open a web browser and connect to poodcit2.services.brown.edu
Login with your Oscar username and password
Start a session using the Advanced Desktop App
Select the gpu partition and click the launch button.
Only the Advanced Desktop App will connect to the test cluster
The Advanced Desktop App must connect to the gpu partition
If the "Current Module Version" for an application is blank, a new version is built for the application.
We recommend using following MPI modules to build your custom applications:
GCC based OpenMPI
Intel based OpenMPI
Mellanox HPC-X
module load mpi/openmpi_4.0.7_gcc_10.2_slurm22
module load gcc/10.2 cuda/11.7.1
CC=mpicc CXX=mpicxx ./configure --prefix=/path/to/install/dir
module load mpi/openmpi_4.0.7_gcc_10.2_slurm22
module load gcc/10.2 cuda/11.7.1
A new module might be available for a deprecated application module. Please search the table above to check if a new module is available for an application.
Openmpi wth Intel compilers
Guide to build and compile software using CCMake.
Open-source software refers to any program whose source code is available for use or modification as users or other developers see fit. This is usually developed as a public collaboration and made freely available.
Due to the complexity of some software, we often have to link to third party or external libraries. When working with software that has complicated building and linking steps, it is often impractical to use GCC (or your favorite compiler) directly. GNU Make is a build system that can simplify things somewhat, but "makefiles" can become unwieldy in their own way. Thankfully for us, there is a tool that simplifies this process.
CMake is a build system generator that one can use to facilitate the software build process. CMake allows one to specify—at a higher level than GNU Make—the instructions for compiling and linking our software. Additionally, CMake comes packaged with CCMake, which is an easy-to-use interactive tool that will let us provide build instructions to the compiler and the linker for projects written in C, Fortran, or C++. For more information about CMake and CCMake, please click here.
Make sure the source code has a CMakeLists.txt file in the root folder
Much of the time, source code is available on platforms such as GitHub, GitLab or BitBucket. Cloning (or downloading) the project from any of those is the same process. First, you need to get the URL from the repository. It usually looks like this:
GitHub repository
Bitbucket repository
Where username indicates the GitHub (or BitBucket, etc) account of the owner of the project, and project_name indicates, well, try to guess.
GitHub and BitBucket have a button at the top right side of the repository web page labeled "clone". Copy that URL
Create a new folder on a path with the necessary read/write permissions
Go inside inside that folder
Clone the repository:
URL is the repository's link mentioned above.
In case you downloaded the project from a different source, and it is contained in a .tar or .zip file. Just extract the source code on a folder with the necessary read/write permissions.
Create a new folder and name it build
Go inside inside that folder
Execute CCMake pointing to the root folder which has a CMakeLists.txt file
In this example, let's assume the build folder is at the same level as the CMakeLists.txt file.
The CCMake text interface will pop up with all the necessary attributes to build the software.
Set up the paths to the required libraries and press "c" to configure the project. Some errors might come up about CMake unable to find some specific libraries. This could be because that library does not exist in the system or you have not loaded the right module. Please contact CCV staff on how to fix this type of errors.
Make sure the attribute CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX points to a path with the necessary read/write permissions. By default it is set to the folder /usr/bin/ , which most of the users have no access to.
Once the configuration process has ended successfully, press "g" to generate the project. Generate the project does not mean compile or execute the program, please continue reading.
Compile the project using the command make
You might want to increase the number of jobs compiling the software.
To speed up the compilation process, add the parameter "-j 8" to parallelize the job.
Once it is done, your project will be installed in the path set in the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX attribute as explained above.
If you have any questions or need help please email support@ccv.brown.edu
Users should install R packages for themselves locally. This documentation shows you how to install R packages locally (without root access) on Oscar.
If the package you want to install has operating-system-level dependencies (i.e. the package depends on core libraries), then we can install it as a module.
First load the R version that you want to use the package with:
Start an R session
Note some packages will require code to be compiled so it is best to do R packages installs on the login node.
To install the package 'wordcloud':
You will see a warning:
Answer y
. If you have not installed any R packages before you will see the following message:
Answer y
. The package will then be installed. If the install is successful you will see a message like:
If the installation was not successful you will see a message like:
There is normally information in the message that gives the reason why the install failed. Look for the word ERROR
in the message.
Possible reasons for an installation failing include:
Other software is needed to build the R package, e.g. the R package rgdal
needs gdal
so you have to do module load gdal
A directory needs deleting from a previous failed installation.
To reinstall R packages, start an R session and run the update.packages() command
Start an R session:
To remove the 'wordcloud' package:
Anaconda provides Python, R and other packages for scientific computing including data sciences, machine learning, etc.
There is one anaconda module:
Do not load the module in your .modules or .bashrc file. Otherwise, your OOD Desktop session cannot start.
For Python 3, we recommend using the system Python. You do not need to load any Python module to use system Python3
Python modules do not include other common Python packages (e.g., SciPy, NumPy). This affords individual users complete control over the packages they are using.
There are several ways for users to install python packages on Oscar
using a Python environment
into their home directory
into a custom location
from source into a custom location
In this document, we use angular brackets <>
to denote command line options that you should replace with an appropriate value
Python environments are a cleaner way to install python packages for a specific workflow. In the example below, a virtual environment called my_cool_science
is set up in your home directory:
line 1: load the version of python you want to use
line 2: change directory to home
line 3: create the Python environment
line 4: activate the Python environment
line 5: install any packages you need for the Python environment
line 6: deactivate the environment
When you want to use the environment, e.g. in a batch script or an interactive session
source ~/my_cool_science/bin/activate
When your work is finished, deactivate the environment with
Activate the environment and print the list of installed packages to a file
Here, we create a new environment and install packages inside it from old_env_req.txt
The --user
flag will instruct pip to install to you home directory
This will install the package under the following path in user's HOME directory:
If you omit the --user
flag you will see
This is because users do not have access to the default locations where software is installed.
Python packages can often have conflicting dependencies. For workflows that require a lot of python packages, we recommend using virtual environments.
Users have a limit of 20GB for their home directories on Oscar. Hence, users might want to use their data directory instead for installing software. Another motivation to do that is to have shared access to the software among the whole research group.
This path to install location will have to be added to the PYTHONPATH environment variable so that python can find the python modules to be used. This is not necessary for software installed using the --user
This can be added at the end of your .bashrc
file in your home directory. This will update the PYTHONPATH environment variable each time during startup. Alternatively, you can update PYTHONPATH in your batch script as required. This can be cleaner as compared to the former method. If you have a lot of python installs at different locations, adding everything to PYTHONPATH can create conflicts and other issues.
A caveat of using this method is that pip will install the packages (along with its requirements) even if the package required is already installed under the global install or the default local install location. Hence, this is more of a brute force method and not the most efficient one.
For example, if your package depends on numpy or scipy, you might want to use the numpy and scipy under our global install as those have been compiled with MKL support. Using the --target
option will reinstall numpy with default optimizations and without MKL support at the specified location.
Sometimes, python software is not packaged by the developers to be installed by pip. Or, you may want to use the development version which has not been packaged. In this case, the python package can be installed by downloading the source code itself. Most python packages can be installed by running the setup.py
script that should be included in the downloaded files.
You will need to provide a "prefix path" for the install location
This will create the sub-directories bin
, lib
, etc. at the location provided above and install the packages there. The environment will have to be set up accordingly to use the package:
Both the miniconda3 and minforge modules include only conda, python, and a few other packages. Only the miniforge module provides mamba.
It is not recommended to initialize conda via conda init
To access the conda or mamba command, load either a miniconda3 or miniforge module and then run the source command
shared among all users if the environment is installed in a shared directory
private to one user if the environment is installed in a user's private directory
The command 'conda info' shows important configurations for conda environment.
Below are some important configurations:
envs directories
: a list of directories where a conda environment is installed by default. In the output of 'conda info' above, the first default directory to install a conda environment is a $HOME/anaconda.
package cache
: a list of directories where downloaded packages are stored.
To create a new conda environment in a default directory, run the following command:
To create a new conda environment in a different directory, run the following command:
After creating a conda environment, users can activate a conda environment to install or access packages in the environment via the following command.
The commands above will only work if:
A conda environment with the specified name (conda_environment_name
in the example) exists
If you need to activate a conda environment in a bash script, you need to source the conda.sh as shown in the following example bash script:
module load miniconda3/23.11.0s
source /oscar/runtime/software/external/miniconda3/23.11.0/etc/profile.d/conda.sh
conda activate my_env
module load miniforge/23.11.0-0s
source /oscar/runtime/software/external/miniforge/23.11.0-0/etc/profile.d/conda.sh
conda activate my_env
After installing packages in an active environment (instructions below), you do not need to load or install those packages in the bash script; any packages installed in the conda environment (before the script even starts) will be available through the environment after it is activated (line 4 in the code above).
Do NOT activate a conda environment before submitting a batch job if the batch job activates a conda environment. Otherwise, the batch job will not be able to activate the conda environment and hence fail.
To deactivate a conda environment, simply use the following command:
To install a package, we need to first activate a conda environment, and then run
conda install package_name=version
mamba install package_name=version
The "=version" is optional. By default, conda install a package from the anaconda channel. To install a package from a different channel, run conda install
with the -c
option. For example, to install a package from the bioconda channel, run
conda install -c bioconda package_name
mamba install -c bioconda package_name
To delete a conda environment, run
Conda may download lots of additional packages when installing a package. A user may use up all quota due to these downloaded packages. To remove the downloaded packges, run
Gaussian is a general purpose computational chemistry package. Oscar uses the Gaussian 9 package.
In order to use Gaussian on Oscar, you must be a part of the ccv-g09
group. To check your groups, run the groups
command in the terminal.
You must first choose a Gaussian module to load. To see available Gaussian modules, run module avail gauss
. You can load a Gaussian module using the command module load <module-name>
Gaussian 9 (g09)
Gaussian 16 (g16)
NOTE: There are three versions of g09
, you can load any one of those, but the newer version g16
is preferred now. If using g09
just replace g16
below with g09
Gaussian can be run either interactively or within a batch script using one of two command styles:
g16 job-name
g16 <input-file >output-file
In the first form, the program reads input from job-name.gjf
and writes its output to job-name.log
. When no job-name has been specified, the program will read from standard input and write to standard output
Given a valid .gjf file (we'll call it test-file.gjf
), we can use the following simple batch script to run Gaussian:
Then queue the script using
Once the job has been completed, you should have a g16-test.out
, a g16-test.err
, and a test-file.out
To access dmtcp, load a dmtcp module. For example:
module load dmtcp/3.0.0
Here's a dummy example prints increasing integers, every 2 seconds. Copy this to a text file on Oscar and name it dmtcp_serial.c
Compile this program by running
You should have the files in your directory now:
The dmtcp_launch
command launches a program, and automatically checkpoints the program. To specify the interval (seconds) for checkpoints, add the "-i num_seconds
" option to the dmtcp_lauch
Example: the following command launches the program dmtcp_serial
and checkpoints every 8 seconds.
As shown in the example above, a checkpoint file (ckpt_dmtcp_serial_24f183c2194a7dc4-40000-42af86bb59385.dmtcpp
) is created, and can be used to restart the program
The dmtcp_resart
command restarts a program from a checkpoint, and also automatically checkpoints the program. To specify the interval (seconds) for checkpoints, add the "-i num_seconds
" option to the dmtcp_restart
Example: the following command restarts the dmtcp_serial
program from a checkpoint, and checkpoints every 12 seconds
It is desirable goal that single job script can
launch a program if there is checkpoints, or
automatically restarts from a checkpoint if there is one or more checkpoints
The job script dmtcp_serial_job.sh
below is an example which shows how to achieve the goal:
If there is no checkpoint in the current directory, launch the program dmtcp_serial
If one or more checkpoints exist in the current directory, restart the program dmtcp_serial
from the latest checkpoint
Submit dmtcp_serial_job.sh
and then wait for the job to run until time out. Below shows the beginning and end of the job output file
Submit dmtcp_serial_job.sh
and then wait for the job to run until time out. Below shows the beginning of the job output file, which demonstrate that the job restarts from the checkpoint of the previous job.
The following example script
creates a sub directory for each task of a job array, and then saves a task's checkpoint in the task's own sub directory when the job script is submitted for the first time
restarts checkpoints in task subdirectories when the job script is submitted for the second time or later
The Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package (VASP) is a package for performing advanced mechanical computations. This page will explain how VASP can be accessed and used on Oscar.
In order to use VASP, you must be a part of the vasp
group on Oscar. To check your groups, run the groups
command in the terminal.
First, you must choose which VASP module to load. You can see the available modules using module avail vasp
. You can load your preferred VASP module using module load <module-name>
VASP 5.4.1
VASP 5.4.4
VASP 6.1.1
Within a batch job, you should specify the number of MPI tasks as
If you would like 40 cores for your calculation, you would include the following in your batch script:
This page serves as a guide for application developers getting started with parallel programming, or users wanting to know more about the working of parallel programs/software they are using.
Although there are several ways to classify parallel programming models, a basic classification is:
Distributed Memory Programming
Note that most compilers have inherent support for multithreading up to some level. Multithreading comes into play when the compiler converts your code to a set of instructions such that they are divided into several independent instruction sequences (threads) which can be executed in parallel by the Operating System. Apart from multithreading, there are other features like "vectorized instructions" which the compiler uses to optimize the use of compute resources. In some programming languages, the way of writing the sequential code can significantly affect the level of optimization the compiler can induce. However, this is not the focus here.
Multithreading can also be induced at code level by the application developer and this is what we are interested in. If programmed correctly, it can also be the most "efficient" way of parallel programming as it is managed at the Operating System level and ensures optimum use of "available" resources. Here too, there are different parallel programming constructs which support multithreading.
POSIX threads is a standardized C language threads programming interface. It is a widely accepted standard because of being lightweight, highly efficient and portable. The routine to create Pthreads in a C program is called pthread_create
and an "entry point" function is defined which is to be executed by the threads created. There are mechanisms to synchronize the threads, create "locks and mutexes", etc. Help pages:
OpenMP is a popular directive based construct for shared memory programming. Like POSIX threads, OpenMP is also just a "standard" interface which can be implemented in different ways by different vendors.
The conda command from the anaconda modules does NOT work. Use module.
We recommend using a Python environment for your workflow if you preferpip.
If you are a conda user we recommend managing your workflow with You can load an module and then use conda.
Intel provides optimized packages for numerical and scientific work that you can install through or .
Mamba is a drop-in replacement of conda, and is faster at resolving dependencies than conda. For commands like conda install
and conda search
, conda
can be replaced with mamba
on Oscar. More details can be found in .
The appropriate anaconda module has been loaded (if you are unsure about this one, consult )
(DMTCP) checkpoints a running program on Linux with no modifications to the program or OS. It allows to restart running the program from a checkpoint.
If you're not sure how many cores you should include in your calculation, refer to
This model is useful when all threads/processes have access to a common memory space. The most basic form of shared memory parallelism is Multithreading. According to Wikipedia, a of execution is the smallest sequence of programmed instructions that can be managed independently by a scheduler (Operating System).
Comprehensive tutorial page on
Compiler directives appear as comments in your source code and are ignored by compilers unless you tell them otherwise - usually by specifying the appropriate compiler flag (). This makes the code more portable and easier to parallelize. you can parallelize loop iterations and code segments by inserting these directives. OpenMP also makes it simpler to tune the application during run time using environment variables. for example, you can set the number of threads to be used by setting the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS
before running the program. Help pages:
is a "terminal multiplexer", it enables a number of terminals (or windows) to be accessed and controlled from a single terminal. screen
is a great way to save an interactive session between connections to oscar. You can reconnect to the session from anywhere!
Common commands are:
start a new screen session with session name: screen -S <name>
list running sessions/screens: screen -ls
attach to session by name: screen -r <name>
detach: Ctrl+a d
detach and logout (quick exit): Ctrl+a d d
kill a screen session: screen -XS session_name quit
There are several login nodes in Oscar, and the node from where you launched screen
matters! That is, you can only reconnect from the login node in which you launched screen
In order to reconnect to a running screen
session, you need to be connected to the same login node that you launched your screen
session from. In order to locate and identify your screen
sessions correctly, we recommed the following:
Create a directory to store the information of your screen sessions. You only need do this once.
Put the following line into your /.bashrc. This tells the screen program to save the information of your screen sessions in the directory created in the previous step . This allows you to query your screen sessions across different login nodes. To make this change effective in your current sessions, you need run 'source /.bashrc' in each of your current session . However, you do not need to run 'source /bashrc' in your new sessions.
Name your new screen session using the name of the login node. For instance, start your screen with a commnd similar to
Arm Forge is available on Oscar. There are two products, DDT (debugger) and MAP (performance reports).
We recommend you use the Arm Forge remote client to launch your debugging jobs on Oscar. The first time you set up Arm Forge you will need to configure the client with the following steps:
Download the arm forge remote client on your machine.
Compile your code with -g
so you can see the source code in your debugging session
Arm DDT is a powerful graphical debugger suitable for many different development environments, including:
Single process and multithreaded software.
Parallel (MPI) software.
Arm MAP is a parallel profiler that shows you which lines of code took the most time to run, and why. Arm MAP does not require any complicated configuration, and you do not need to have experience with profiling tools to use it.
Arm MAP supports:
MPI, OpenMP and single-threaded programs.
Small data files. All data is aggregated on the cluster and only a few megabytes written to disk, regardless of the size or duration of the run.
Sophisticated source code view, enabling you to analyze performance across individual functions.
Both interactive and batch modes for gathering profile data.
A rich set of metrics, that show memory usage, floating-point calculations and MPI usage across processes, including:
Percentage of vectorized instructions, including AVX extensions, used in each part of the code.
Time spent in memory operations, and how it varies over time and processes, to verify if there are any cache bottlenecks.
A visual overview across aggregated processes and cores that highlights any regions of imbalance in the code.
Interactive Data Language (IDL) is a programming language used for data analysis and is popular in several scientific fields. This page explains how to use the IDL module on Oscar run IDL programs.
First load the IDL module that you want to use with module load idl/version_number
You can use the command module load idl
to simply load the default version. This is demonstrated in the following command followed by system dialogue.
As indicated by the system dialogue, you will need to enter the following command to set up the environment for IDL:
Once you've set up IDL in the way outlined above, you can open the IDL command line by simply using the command idl
Note: To exit this environment, simply use the command exit
As is stated in the IDL Documentation, IDL in command-line mode "uses a text-only interface and sends output to your terminal screen or shell window." Thus, this is a mode in which you can enter commands and see their results in real time, but it is not where one should write full IDL programs.
To write an IDL program, you can use any of the text editors on Oscar (such as vim, emacs, and nano) or you can create the program in a file on your own computer and then copy that file to Oscar when you are finished. Here is an example (hello world) IDL program idl_hello_world.pro
This file and the batch file below can be found at /gpfs/runtime/software_examples/idl/8.5.1
if you wish to copy them and test the process yourself.
Once you have the .pro
file on Oscar, you can then run this file using a batch script. Here is a bare bones version of a batch script (called idl_hello_world.sh)
that will run the script idl_hello_world.pro
(note that the .pro
is omitted in the script).
We can then run the batch file by using the sbatch
This page documents how to use the MPI for Python package within a Conda environment.
The installation of mpi4py will be discussed in the following sections. This section provides an example of how mpi4py would be used in a python script after such an installation.
To use MPI in a python script through mpi4py
, you must first import it using the following code:
Here is an example python script mpi4pytest.py
that uses MPI:
The file mpi4pytest.py
can be found at /gpfs/runtime/softwareexamples/mpi4py/
Start by creating and activating a conda environment:
Once you have activated your conda environment, run the following commands to install mpi4py
You may change the python version in the pip command.
To check that the installation process was a success you can run
If no errors result from running the command, the installation has worked correctly.
Here is an example batch job script mpi4pytest_conda.sh
that uses mpi4pytest.py
and the conda environment setup:
The example script above runs the python script on two nodes by using the #SBATCH -N 2
command. For more information on #SBATCH
options, see our documentation.
Start by creating and activating a Python environment
Once you have activated your conda environment, run the following command to install mpi4py
Below is an example batch job script mpi4pytest_env.sh
The anaconda modules provide jupyter-notebook. Users can also use pip or anaconda to install jupyter notebook.
There are a couple of ways to use Jupyter Notebook on Oscar. You can run Jupyter Notebook
in an OOD Desktop App (VNC)
using a batch job
in an interactive session
With the batch job or interactive session method, you use a browser on your machine to connect to your Jupyter Notebook server on Oscar.
Start by going to the directory you want to access when using Jupyter Notebook, and then start Jupyter Notebook. The directory where a Jupyter Notebook is started is the working directory for the Notebook.
Do not run Jupyter Notebook on login nodes.
Start an OOD Desktop App (VNC) session, and open up a terminal in the VNC session. To start a Jupyter Notebook, enter
This will start the Jupyter Notebook server and open up a browser with the notebook.
If you installed Jupyter Notebook with pip, you may need to give the full path:
Submit an ssh tunnel to the server.
Set up an ssh tunnel to the server.
Open a browser to view the notebook.
Use scancel
to end the batch job when you are done.
Here is an example batch script to start a Jupyter notebook server on an Oscar compute node. This script assumes that you are not using a Conda or a virtual environment.
If you installed Jupyter notebook with pip you may need to give the full path:
~/.local/bin/jupyter-notebook --no-browser --port-$ipnport --ip=$ipnip
If you are using a Conda environment, replace the last two lines with thes lines:
This script can be found in ~/batch_scripts. Copy this example and submit this script with
sbatch jupyter.sh
Once your batch job is running there will be a file named jupyter-log-
containing the information you need to connect to your jupyter notebook server on Oscar. To check if your job is running, use myq
The output from myq
will look something like this:
In this example the jobID is 7239096. To view the notebook server information, use cat
. For this example:
cat jupyter-log-7239096.txt
Open a terminal on your machine and copy and paste the ssh -N -L ........
line into the terminal.
If you are using Windows, follow the Tunneling into Jupyter with Windows documentation to complete this step.
Enter your Oscar password. Note it will appear that nothing has happened.
Open a browser on your local machine to the address given in cat jupyter-log-{jobid}.txt
The notebook will ask for a token. Copy the token from jupyter-log-{jobid}.txt
. Then your notebook will start.
Remember to scancel {jobid}
when you are done with your notebook session.
Start Jupyter Notebook in an interactive job.
Set up an ssh tunnel to the server.
Open a browser to view the notebook.
Use scancel
to end the batch job when you are done.
Start an Interactive job and then in your interactive session enter the following:
An output similar to the one below indicates that Jupyter Notebook has started:
$ jupyter-notebook --no-browser --port=$ipnport --ip=$ipnip
[I 13:35:25.948 NotebookApp] JupyterLab beta preview extension loaded from /gpfs/runtime/opt/anaconda/3-5.2.0/lib/python3.6/site-packages/jupyterlab
[I 13:35:25.948 NotebookApp] JupyterLab application directory is /gpfs/runtime/opt/anaconda/3-5.2.0/share/jupyter/lab
[I 13:35:25.975 NotebookApp] Serving notebooks from local directory: /gpfs_home/yliu385
[I 13:35:25.975 NotebookApp] 0 active kernels
[I 13:35:25.975 NotebookApp] The Jupyter Notebook is running at:
[I 13:35:25.975 NotebookApp]
[I 13:35:25.975 NotebookApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation).
[C 13:35:25.994 NotebookApp]
Copy/paste this URL into your browser when you connect for the first time,
to login with a token:
Open a terminal on your machine and enter the following line (replace $ipnip and $ipnport with the values from the two echo
commands in the previous step).
If you are using Windows, follow the Tunneling into Jupyter with Windows documentation to complete this step.
Enter your Oscar password. Note it will appear that nothing has happened.
Open a browser on your local machine to the address:
Again, you need to replace $ipnport
with the value from the first echo
command in Step 1. The notebook will ask for a token. You can copy the token from the output from Step 2.
Once you finish and no longer need the Jupyter Notebook server, you can kill the server by pressing Ctrl+C twice in your interactive session.
The anaconda modules provide jupyter-lab. Users can also use pip or anaconda to install jupyter lab.
There are a couple of ways to use Jupyter Lab on Oscar. You can run a Jupyter Lab
in an OOD Desktop App (VNC)
using a batch job
in an interactive session
With the batch job or interactive session method, you use a browser on your machine to connect to your Jupyter Lab server on Oscar.
Do not run Jupyter Lab on login nodes.
Start an OOD Desktop App (VNC) session, and open up a terminal in the VNC session. To start a Jupyter Lab, enter
This will start the Jupyter lab server and open up a browser with the lab.
If you installed Jupyter Lab with pip, you may need to give the full path:
Submit an ssh tunnel to the server.
Set up an ssh tunnel to the server.
Open a browser to view the lab.
Use scancel
to end the batch job when you are done.
Here is an example batch script to start a Jupyter Lab server on an Oscar compute node
If you installed Jupyter Lab with pip, you may need to give the full path:
~/.local/bin/jupyter-lab --no-browser --port=$ipnport --ip=$ipnip
This script can be found in ~/batch_scripts. Copy this example and submit this script with
sbatch jupyter.sh
Once your batch job is running there will be a file named jupyter-log-
containing the information you need to connect to your Jupyter lab server on Oscar. To check if your job is running, use myq
The output from myq
will look something like this:
In this example the jobID is 7239096. To view the lab server information, use cat
. For this example:
cat jupyter-log-7239096.txt
Open a terminal on your machine and copy and paste the ssh -N -L ........
line into the terminal.
If you are using Windows, follow the Tunneling into Jupyter with Windows documentation to complete this step.
Enter your Oscar password. Note it will appear that nothing has happened.
Open a browser on your local machine to the address given in cat jupyter-log-{jobid}.txt
The lab will ask for a token. Copy the token from jupyter-log-{jobid}.txt
. Then your lab will start.
Remember to scancel {jobid}
when you are done with your notebook session
Start Jupyter Lab in an interactive job
Setup an ssh tunnel to the server.
Open a browser to view the notebook.
Use scancel
to end the batch job when you are done.
Start an Interactive job and then in your interactive session enter the following:
An output similar to the one below indicates that Jupyter Lab has started:
$ jupyter-lab --no-browser --port=$ipnport --ip=$ipnip
[I 13:12:03.404 LabApp] JupyterLab beta preview extension loaded from /gpfs/runtime/opt/anaconda/3-5.2.0/lib/python3.6/site-packages/jupyterlab
[I 13:12:03.404 LabApp] JupyterLab application directory is /gpfs/runtime/opt/anaconda/3-5.2.0/share/jupyter/lab
[I 13:12:03.410 LabApp] Serving notebooks from local directory: /gpfs_home/yliu385
[I 13:12:03.410 LabApp] 0 active kernels
[I 13:12:03.410 LabApp] The Jupyter Notebook is running at:
[I 13:12:03.410 LabApp]
[I 13:12:03.410 LabApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation).
[C 13:12:03.411 LabApp]
Open a terminal on your machine and enter the following line (replace $ipnip and $ipnport with the values from the two echo
commands in the previous step).
If you are using Windows, follow the Tunneling into Jupyter with Windows documentation to complete this step.
Enter your Oscar password. Note it will appear that nothing has happened.
Open a browser on your local machine to the address:
Again, you need to replace $ipnport
with the value from the first echo
command in Step 1. The notebook will ask for a token. You can copy the token from the output from Step 2.
Once you finish and no longer need the Jupyter Lab server, you can kill the server by pressing Ctrl+C twice in your interactive session.
You will need to configure remote launch for Oscar
Open the client on your machine
Click 'Remote Launch' -> Configure
Add username@ssh.ccv.brown.edu
as the Host Name
Add /gpfs/runtime/opt/forge/19.1.2
as the Remote Installation Directory
Test Remote Launch. You should enter the password used for Oscar. If successful you should see the message Remote Launch test completed successfully
If you have a mismatch between your client version on the version of Forge on Oscar you will see an error message. To fix this make sure you are using compatible client and remote versions
Once you are connected you will see a Licence checked out and "Connected to username@ssh.ccv.brown.edu' on the client.
We have provided templates for you to use for job submission settings. These templates are in/gpfs/runtime/opt/forge/19.1.2/templates
Click Run and debug a program
to open the following menu
Click Configure
next to Submit to Queue and enter /gpfs/runtime/opt/forge/19.1.2/templates/slurm-ccv.qtf
as the Submission template file
lets you specify the total number of tasks. The number of tasks may not be equal for each node. This option will be the shortest time in the queue, but may not give you consistent run times.
is for MPI jobs where you want to specify number of nodes and tasks per node
is for threaded (single node) jobs
On Oscar, the command matlab
is actually a wrapper that sets up MATLAB to run as a single-threaded, command-line program, which is the optimal way to pack multiple Matlab scripts onto the Oscar compute nodes.
To run the actual multi-threaded version with JVM and Display enabled, use:
Similarly, to run this without the display enabled:
Do not run Matlab on the Oscar login nodes. Request a compute node either with an interactive session, a batch script, or using the VNC.
The Open OnDemand desktop app is the best way to launch GUI applications on Oscar, including Matlab. Open a terminal in your session and load the version of Matlab needed. Then use the matlab-threaded
command to launch the Matlab GUI. For example,
Use module avail matlab
to search for other Matlab versions to load.
Here is a snapshot of what it looks like:
You can also run the MATLAB GUI in an X-forwarded interactive session. This requires installing an X server on your workstation/PC and logging in to Oscar with X forwarding enabled. Use the interact
command to get interactive access to a compute node. Again, for launching the GUI, you need to use the matlab-threaded
command, which enables the display and JVM. You may however experience a lag in response from the Matlab GUI in an X forwarded session. Note that if Matlab does not find the X window system available, it will launch in command line mode (next section).
A workaround in some situations may be to use CIFS to mount the Oscar filesystem on your PC and using the Matlab installation on your computer. For example, if you have your simulation results residing on Oscar, this might be a quick way to do post-processing on the data instead of having to move the data to your computer or using the Matlab GUI on Oscar. Note that users can connect to CIFS only from Brown computers or on Brown WiFi.
This page is for users trying to open Jupyter Notebooks/Labs through Oscar with Windows.
If you are using Windows, you can use any of the following options to open a terminal on your machine (ranked in order of least difficult to set up and use):
WSL2 (we recommend Ubuntu as your Linux distribution)
After opening a terminal using any of these programs, simply enter the ssh
command provided by the jupyter-log-{jobid}.txt
file. Then continue with the steps given by the documentation that led you to this page.
If you have PuTTY and would prefer to not download any additional software, there are steps (explained below) that you can take to use PuTTY to tunnel into a Jupyter Notebook/Lab.
These instructions will use ssh -N -L 9283: username@ssh.ccv.brown.edu
as an example command that could be found in the jupyter-log-{jobid}.txt
Open PuTTY and enter your host name (username@ssh.ccv.brown.edu) in the textbox.
Next, navigate to the 'Tunnels' Menu (click the '+' next to SSH in order to have it displayed).
Enter the source port (9283 in the example) and destination ( in the example). Click 'Add'. The source port and destination should show up as a pair in the box above. Then click 'Open'. A new window should open requesting your password.
After entering your password, you should be able to access the notebook/lab in a browser using localhost:ipnport
(see the documentation that led you here for details).