Downloading Content

Guide to download (or clone) a GitHub Repository to your JupyterHub

Downloading a GitHub repository into your JupyterHub is done via git clone. The operation can be done via the Git Plugin interface that comes pre-installed in your JupyterHub or a terminal session

Prerequisites :

Clone using a terminal session

Launch a terminal on JupyterHub by following the instructions below:

  1. Clone your assignment to the hub using the git clone command

git clone <gitURL>

Replace <gitURL> with your copied git URL via your clipboard from Step 2 or other repository URL

To launch a specific notebook file downloaded, see the Launch a Notebook steps

Using the Git Plugin Interface

  1. Paste the url at the prompt

  2. A new folder with your repository will show in your file browser

It may take few seconds for your repository folder to show up in the file browser

To launch a specific notebook file downloaded, see the Launch a Notebook steps

Last updated