Cleanup Tags

While custom delete tags can be configured upon request, currently we are offering cleanup functionality as part of our Hibernate service. Delete tag in Hibernate service will provide researchers a convenient way to submit a request to the storage team to delete large folders efficiently.

Step 1: Navigate into the directory you wish to delete

Step 2: Right-click on the particular directory and select Tags > Action Tags > A Hibernate: Delete

Step 3: Once you select that, the A Hibernate: Delete tag should appear on the directory

Hibernate:Delete tag will only work on Folders and NOT on individual files. We also recommend tagging a folder with >100K objects.

Step 4: Repeat the procedure to tag all relevant folders and files.

Step 5: Once tagging is complete, please complete the Hibernate Service Request form and select the appropriate action tag. This will automatically submit a ticket to the storage team to start the appropriate process.

Last updated