Moves the user into the specified directory. Change Directory.
cd ..
to move one directory up
by itself to move to home directory
cd -
to move to previous directory
cd <directory-path>
to move to a directory (can be an absolute path or relative path)
cp <old_filepath> <new directory path>
Copies the file into the specified directory
Clears the terminal
cat <filename>
Lists the contents of a file. Concatenate files.
List contents within the current directory
grep <string_to_match> <filename>
Searches for the string / regular expression within the specified file and prints the line(s) with the result
Displays the path of the current directory that you are in. Present Working Directory
man <command>
Displays the help manual instruction for the given command
mv <file_name> <new_directory>
Moves a file into a new directory.
mv <old_file_name> <new_file_name>
to rename a file
mkdir <directory_name>
Creates a new directory
rm <file_name>
Deletes a file
rm -r <directory_name>
Deletes directories and the contents within them. -r
stands for recursive
rmdir <directory_name>
Removes the specified directory (must be empty)
Creates a blank new file