Things to remember before a class that uses JupyterHub
Share with all students.
If planning to use hub during class time, have the students launch their hubs at the very beginning of class (can experience a few minutes of bootup time if large spike active hubs)
Familiarize yourself with the Admin Tab. You can access by visitin File -> Hub Control or by visiting https://<yourclassid> Through this interface you can stop and restart their server if they are having troble accessing their environment.
Make sure to add your TAs a an Admin Users. You can do so by editing their user in the Admin panel above.
Is a required package missing? Hub crashing? Need more computational resources? Student having an issue you cannot resolve? Don't hesitate to email us at
Create and share your GitHub classroom invite link with students
Remind students to push to their github repo at the end of every session (or whenever they make major progress on a project). Instructions are in JupyterHub guide above.