Please contact hep-help@brown.edu if you have questions.


For technical reasons write access with xroot cannot be implemented on the brux storage system. However, gfal commands provide a comparable functionality.

To use gfal you must have a valid proxy:

voms-proxy-init -voms cms

  • List directories from a remote location:

    gfal-ls gsiftp://brux11.hep.brown.edu/mnt/hadoop/<folder>

  • Copy files to brux:

    gfal-cp localfile.root gsiftp://brux11.hep.brown.edu/mnt/hadoop/<destination>

The gfal version provided with CMSSW environment is incompatible with LPC machines.

If you are working within a CMSSW area on LPC login machines you need to type the command like this:

env -i X509_USER_PROXY=$X509_USER_PROXY gfal-ls gsiftp://brux11.hep.brown.edu/mnt/hadoop/

If you are running condor jobs and want to save the output file to brux, in your executable script you can add a line at the end to transfer the file to brux using gfal-cp


Reading files stored at Brown from a remote site with xroot is enabled, see example:

xrdcp root://brux11.hep.brown.edu:1094//isilon/hadoop/store/somefile.root some/local/path

Last updated